Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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The primary goal of the study is to analyze the sixty Q1 journals in LIS as appeared in the SCImago Journal & Country Ranking (SJR) databases for the year 2020. This article discusses the top Q1 journals in LIS in respect of their scientometric indicators such as SJR, H index, CiteScore and Impact Factor. It also examines the continent, country and publisher wise distribution of Q1 LIS journals in SCImago for the year 2020. The highest SJR value of Q1 journals is 3.507 for the journal ‘Information Systems Research’ and the journal titled ‘IEEE Transactions on Information Theory’ has the highest H-index value of 286. The Q1 journal’s highest CiteScore and Impact Factor is 14.1 and 8.21 respectively for the journal ‘International Journal of Information Management’.
