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In this study, an attempt has been made to analyze the research productivity of the highest productive department of the Mizoram University indexed in SCOPUS database. Since it is the only central university in the state of Mizoram and scientometric profile of the highest productive department of Mizoram University is not analyzed until now. Agricultural and Biological Sciences has the highest number of publications i.e., 303 indexed in SCOPUS database. The study revealed that highest number of publications is on 2020; highest number of documents are published as research article; Hazarika, T. K. is the most productive author with 36 (11.88%) numbers of publication; most preferred journal for publication is Indian Journal of Ecology; highest international collaborative publications with China, Ireland, Saudi Arabia, United Kingdom, South Arabia and South Korea with 6 collaborating papers and highest publications are collaborated with Pachhunga University College. The maximum 0.301 RGR was recorded for the period 2004 and 2005 and minimum Dt 2.302 was recorded in the year 2004 and 2005, maximum Dt 57.75 was recorded in the year 2020.
