Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 4-16-2021

Document Type



Bibliometrics play an important role in research evaluation. Several attempts have been made to analyze the research performances in different areas using Bibliometrics method. However, no previous study attempts to explore the research performances of Assam Universities. Due to the lack of bibliometric studies on Assam Universities, the present study aimed to explore contribution of scholarly publications of selected universities of Assam during the time span of 2011-2020. A total of 11578 numbers of documents were published during the ten years study period. The data were extracted from the Scopus database to ferret out the publication productivity, research trend, authorship pattern, most prolific author and most preferred journal, the growth of publications and contribution of the universities etc. The study shows that journal articles were the most preferred form of publication. The study noted gradual growth of publication in every year. The prolific research area was science and technology, where physics and chemistry cover a large area. The most prolific author was Das S. and the most preferred journal was RSC Advances.
