Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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The present study analyzed 441 global publications on library management and administration indexed in Scopus database. Very few bibliometric studies were found on varies aspects of library management but not as whole library management and administration which made author to analyze globally.

Methods and Martials: The data was analyzed using biblioshiny app, presented three fold relation viz, authors, countries and keywords, authors and source impact, word count and word growth with thematic presentation and collaborative network of documents.

Findings: The highest contribution in library management and administration research is published in the form of journal articles and the publications are steadily growing. The top 10 most productive countries were identified and USA topped the list with highest publication (108) followed by China (81) and India (74). The top cited countries includes UK (404), USA (178) and India (138). The prolific authors were Bissels G. Shatte A., Holdsworth J., Liu Y., Rousseau R. Information management, digital management, management tools and systems are the some trending topics.

Conclusion: very few studies were found on the library management and administration globally compared to the past decades which is much needed aspect in the present digital world. We are finding separate management techniques for digital content, for library staff and content management and so on but one need to understand that all these aspects comes under one roof called library, so there is need to find the framework or system or tool or technique to manage library as a whole.
