Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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This study investigated time control, information dissemination and prevention of Covid 19 pandemic by librarians in Nigeria. Some of the objectives formulated for the study are: to ascertain if librarians have enough time to disseminate COVID 19 information to users, to find out how librarians in Nigeria truly disseminate information to patrons on COVID 19, to investigate the media in which librarians are currently providing information to users on COVID 19 and to find out how librarians in Nigeria currently partner with their government in order to tackle the COVID 19. The research method adopted for this work was survey method otherwise known as survey monkey. Nigerian librarians were the focus as constructed online questionnaire was circulated through social media (especially whatsapp) to elicit responses from respondents. 113 respondents completed the online questionnaire and 100 responses were used for the analysis using bar chart and pie chart. Total enumeration sampling technique was also invoked for the study. Some of the findings are as follows: respondent librarians have adequate time for sharing information in this Covid 19 period, in this period of Covid 19, Librarian share information both online and manually, frequently used media for disseminating information by librarians this season of covid 19 are social media, telephone and telephone messages, radio and TV programmes and face to face and respondents signified that they mainly assist government in disseminating authentic information about Covid 19, financial assistance to the vulnerable, monitoring fair distribution of relief materials provided by government and through contact tracing.
