Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Document Type
The study investigated the attitude of lecturers towards collaborating and communicating with the librarians for effective teaching in universities in south-south Nigeria. The study adopted the descriptive survey design. The population of the study comprised 2,500 lecturers in faculty of humanities and science in federal universities in south-south Nigeria and the sample size was 750 lecturers selected using proportionate stratified random sampling technique. The instruments for data collection was questionnaire. A total of 750 copies of questionnaire were administered by the researchers, out of which 730 copies were correctly filled and returned and used for the study. The data obtained were analyzed using frequencies, mean and standard deviation. The results revealed that lecturers show negative attitude in collaborating with librarians in student’s information literacy, and positive attitude in communicating with the librarians as to know the various databases and services available in the library for effective teaching in federal universities in south-south Nigeria. Based on the findings, it was recommended among others that Lecturers should involve librarians in their departmental meetings, this will help to build a better collaboration specially on students’ information literacy, that their collaboration should not only be for accreditation purposes.