Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Spring 3-3-2022

Document Type



This study describes the challenges of the industrial revolution 1 to 5 for university libraries in Indonesia.


This study explains the development of the world of libraries to establish a very close relationship with the world of information technology. For this reason, facilities and infrastructure are needed to facilitate data and information retrieval quickly and accurately. Facing the challenges of the Industrial Revolution 5.0 era by utilizing information technology, libraries must also adapt to the times. Because the library has an important role, among others, as a source of information and the development of knowledge. Used libraries are still conventional to be converted into digital libraries. In essence, this development represents the desire of library users for faster and more accurate information to facilitate their activities. Therefore, if the library does not want to be abandoned by its users, the library must be more innovative using information technology to provide excellent service. University libraries in Indonesia, in addition to facing very rapid technological developments, also need to be ready to face changes in user behavior that also change according to the times. Another challenge is the aspect of the university's mission, which is to develop and advance research. The open access movement is also one of the challenges that must be immediately answered by the university library. Then the challenge to accommodate the rapid changes in teaching which is also greatly influenced by the development of the use of information technology as it is today.
