Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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The ability to access research information offline to the library and access online through a repository becomes an important ability that must be owned by the library, especially for upper-semester students. This research aims to determine the influence of offline and online access skills on accessing institutional repositories, using access skill limitations from the concept of IFLA literacy and the Theory of planned behavior (TPB). Quantitative research methods with multiple linear correlation analysis using SPSS version 25. The study respondents were 93 users from the student population of IAIN Purwokerto last semester. The results showed that there is a positive influence between access skills offline library and motivation to access repositories; there is a positive influence between the access skills online of the library and the motivation to access the repository, and there is a positive influence between access skills offline and online libraries simultaneously with the basis to access repositories. It was found that online access skills had more impact on the motivation to access repositories than the influence of offline access skills.

access_skills.doc (333 kB)
revision in sub tittle: theory planned behaviour
