Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Fall 10-15-2022

Document Type



Marketing and advertising are essential for expanding awareness of library product and services. Special libraries have an assortment of difficulties in marketing library and information product and services due to quickly changing media advancements, expanded user demands, competitions from other data sources like the web, and diminished library financial plan. The focal point of this study was on the promoting view of LIS Professionals working in Karachi's special libraries, likewise centered on marketing procedures for library and data items and services. The Research was restricted to Special libraries of Karachi. The study was directed utilizing a quantitative methodology and an illustrative overview research philosophy. There are 53 professionals in the objective population. On the basis of past studies, the literature is examined. A far reaching and self-constructed research questionnaire was the data tool for the collection of data and distributed to all participants working in Special libraries of Karachi. Cronbach Alpha was utilized to decide the instrument's steadfast quality, and the outcome was 0.821, which is acceptable. Information was arranged and examined. SPSS form 23 and MS Excel 2013 were used to analyze the data using descriptive statistics. Results shows that majority of the Librarians have positive attitude about the promoting the product and services of special libraries. The Marketing tactics utilized in Special libraries show how viable they are at advancing library services. Though the marketing mix was not taken on as a predefined approach, it was resolved that an assortment of existing services suitable the criteria. Reference Services, CAS, SDI services are the main services and advertising channel for the improvement of library product and services. The library staff were totally ready for this work. Karachi special libraries face troubles in advancing their library and information product and services. The study was concluded by authorizing proficient professional librarians to develop and promote the library more effectively through marketing, displays, advertising and exhibitions etc. This study proposed Marketing Strategies, procedures, and techniques for publicizing libraries and information product and services, and furthermore fill the Marketing gap.
