Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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The incident of domestic violence against women in Nigeria is assuming an alarming proportion to the point of being considered a public health problem. Domestic violence has several consequences on the victim including the erosion of self-esteem. It can result in psychological and emotional trauma.

The seriousness of this problem and the rising occurrence in Nigeria demands that all hands must be on deck to combat it.

Like their counterparts in other professional fields, library and information science professionals have a role to play in combating this menace that has several consequences.

Nigerian library and information science professionals may be considered appropriate to combat this problem because of their training in information selection, organisation, dissemination and preservation.

This paper examines the concept of domestic violence against women. It highlights the types of domestic violence against women in Nigeria, causes of domestic violence and its effects. The paper also proffers some roles for Nigerian library and information science professionals aimed at combating the problem. This includes a range of strategies including the provision of domestic violence information resources/help desks, awareness campaigns, participation in advocacy campaigns, and the formation of anti-domestic violence groups. They may also maximise social media by creating content focused on domestic violence. Library and information science professionals may also empower victims through the provision of adult education classes and skill acquisition that will enable victims to make decisions that are in their best interest.
