Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Document Type



This study Staff Attitude and Library Environment as Predictors of Users’ Satisfaction in Public University Libraries in Abia and Imo States. Two research questions were asked and two hypotheses formulated to guide the study. The research design adopted for the investigation is correlational design. The population of the study was 5,294. The sample size for this study is 378. Research questions were answered using Pearson Product Moment Correction (PPMC) and hypotheses tested with t-test as 0.05 level of significance. The major findings of the study are: there is a significant positive very high extent of correlation between staff attitude and library users’ satisfaction in public university libraries and the coefficient of correlation between library environment and extent of users’ satisfaction is significant. The following recommendations were made based on the findings of the study: the university administration should ensure that the library staff are properly supervised to enhance their attitude since this will influence users’ satisfaction and conducive library environment should be provided in the Universities for effective function of the libraries and to also ensure the comfort of the library users.
