Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Document Type




This study investigated institutional repositories as a collaborative tool for users’ satisfaction in public university libraries in Abia and Imo States. Two research questions were asked and two hypotheses formulated to guide the study. The research designs adopted for the investigation are inferential survey and correlational designs. The population of the study was 5,294. The sample size for this study is 378. The instrument used for data collection was a rating scale titled “Motivational Factors as Correlates of User Satisfaction in Public University Libraries” (MFCUPSUL). Research question 1 was answered using the mean and standard deviation, while research question 2 was answered using the Pearson Product Moment Correction (PPMC) and hypotheses were tested with a t-test as 0.05 level of significance. The major findings of the study are: the extent of library user’s satisfaction with library resources and services is significantly greater than the expected mean of 30.00 and the coefficient of correlation also shows a significant positive relationship between institutional repository and library users’ satisfaction. Based on the findings of the study, the researchers recommend that: university librarians should ensure that library users’ satisfaction is sustained by putting in place all necessary resources and services and the government and the university administration should ensure that institutional repositories are established and made accessible in the university libraries.
