Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 6-22-2013

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the ABSTRACT of this article is recently published in the Book of Abstracts of the "5th Quantitative and Qualitative Methods in Libraries" held on 4-7 June in Italy


The ranking of universities and journals have been the focus of the scholarly community. These rankings are used as a marketing tool for attracting new comers to the universities and for authors to the journals. As a consequence, ranking of authors/faculty in a field of study has also become popular which can be used as a useful tool for awards, promotion, recruitment, recognition, etc. Citations to scholarly writings have been used to develop a number of quantitative measures to determine their impact on the literature of a topic. This paper investigated the impact of 53 LIS faculty from eight Pakistani universities. The data were collected during July 2011 using Google Scholar database. Only 11 out of 53 faculty members contributed 118 publications which received 536 citations. The h-index, g-index, hc-index, hI-norm, and e-index, were used to determine the impact of these authors. The scatter of their publications in various journals was determined and the most cited publication of each author was identified. The number of faculty members who received citations is small and their scores in various indices are generally low. There is a need for these faculty members to publish in impact factor journals in order to get more citations and higher scores.
