Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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The present study focuses on the effectiveness of measures taken at 82 research center libraries of VTU, Karnataka. The effectiveness with regard to the various methods adopted to acquire required information resources, use of library budget, maintenance of library stack, managing periodical and reference section, internet center are also discussed. Further, methods adopted to collect use feedback and maintain good interpersonal relationship with user were analyzed. It is found that there are 65 (79.3%) librarians are effectively using the method of consulting recommended books in the syllabus and. 67 (81.7%) librarians manage the periodical section effectively current periodicals are to be regularly displayed in the library. According to the opinion of 75 (91.5%) librarians effective method to make better use of internet center is to maintain and update the computer systems in the libraries. Further, there are 50 (61.0%) librarians who are using checklist as effective method in collecting user feedback about activities and program offered in their libraries and 71 (86.6%) librarians opine that the use checklist method effectively to maintain good interpersonal relationship with users of their librarians
