Parasitology, Harold W. Manter Laboratory of


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Date of this Version



Journal of Parasitology (September 1914) 1(1): 40-41.


Public domain material.



Rhabditin is the term applied by the writer to an organic substance, the type form of which is found crystallized in brilliantly doubly refractive spheres arranged in a definite way in the cells of the intestine. Rhabditis monhystera Bütschli, and other nematodes, in whose metabolism it plays an important role.

Rhabditin crystallizes under the life influences of Rhabditis monhystera into spheres, about 1 to 3 microns in diameter, which are rather slowly soluble in water, rapidly so in alkalies and acids—in the latter without effervescence—and are insoluble or but very slowly soluble in alcohol, glycerin, xylol and oils. The aqueous solution gives no precipitate with barium chlorid or barium hydrate. The crystals do not change essentially in optical properties (do not melt or dissolve) when the nematodes are fixed in boiling absolute alcohol.

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