Parasitology, Harold W. Manter Laboratory of | University of Nebraska - Lincoln Research | DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln
The Harold W. Manter Laboratory of Parasitology is one of the the most important extant centers of systematic parasitology.

The Harold W. Manter Laboratory of Parasitology was established March 29, 1971 at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. In 1981 the HWML was designated one of three National Resource Centers for Parasitology and many students associated with the lab have been trained in systematics as well as other aspects of parasitology.

Three Henry Baldwin Ward Medalists (the highest annual award that is given by the American Society of Parasitologists) were students in Parasitology and in the lab while Professor Mary Hanson Pritchard directed the laboratory (Professor Pritchard is now Curator Emeritus).

Hundreds of publications have resulted from research both in the HWML and from specimens loaned from, or deposited into, the HWML as types or vouchers. We process more than 50 loans outgoing per year and receive thousands of specimens into the collection from researchers worldwide for archiving and safe storage of valuable voucher specimens. More than 30 visiting scientists have come to work in the HWML, studying specimens and using the library.

Scott L. Gardner, PhD, Curator

Browse the Harold W. Manter Laboratory of Parasitology Collections:

American Society of Parasitologists: Newsletter

Armand R. Maggenti Online Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology

Concepts in Animal Parasitology Textbook

Estudios científicos en el estado de Hidalgo y zonas aledañas

Estudios en Biodiversidad

Harold W. Manter Laboratory: Library Materials

Harold W. Manter Laboratory of Parasitology: Faculty and Staff Publications

International Theriological Congress Abstracts of Papers

MANTER: Journal of Parasite Biodiversity

Scott L. Gardner Publications

Studies from the Zoological Laboratory: The University of Nebraska

Trematoda Taxon Notebooks

United States Naval Medical Research Unit 3: Publications