"Annotated Checklist of Mammals of Nebraska" by J. Knox Jones Jr. and Jerry R. Choate

Museum, University of Nebraska State


Date of this Version



Prairie Naturalist (June 1980) 12(2): 43-53.


Copyright 1980, North Dakota Natural Science Society. Used by permission.


Since the completion nearly 20 years ago of the manuscript on a distributional and taxonomic study of the mammals of Nebraska (Jones, 1964), numerous changes in nomenclature resulting from systematic studies have occurred. Additionally, five species of mammals (two bats, two shrews, and an armadillo) have been recorded as new to the state in the past few years, and one bat species (Myotis evotis) has been dropped from the list. Because scientists, conservation officials, environmental agencies, nature students, and others find up-to-date checklists of considerable use, particularly in connection with field work, we have revised the list of Recent mammals currently known from Nebraska, and have included general comments on the distribution of each species in the state.

Eighty-five native mammals are treated in the accounts that follow, along with five species that have been introduced from outside North America (introduced taxa are marked with an asterisk). A list of several species of possible occurrence also is included. Citations in text indicate sources of information published subsequent to the issue of "Distribution and taxonomy of mammals of Nebraska" (Jones, op. cit.). Ordinal, familial, and generic names are entered in currently accepted phylogenetic order; species in each genus appear alphabetically. For vernacular names, we follow Jones et al. (1979).
