ASM History: Honorary Members, Hugh H. Genoways, Suzanne Boyer McLaren, and Robert M. Timm
Jaguars and Pumas Exhibit Distinct Spatiotemporal Responses to Human Disturbances in Colombia’s Most Imperiled Ecoregion, Joe J. Figel, Sebastián Botero-Cañola, Juan David Sánchez-Londoño, and Javier Racero-Casarrubia
Obituary: Sydney Anderson (1927–2018), Scott Lyell Gardner, Robert M. Timm, Nancy Olds, and Hugh H. Genoways
Obituary: Thomas Henry Kunz (1938–2020), Allen Kurta, Winifred F. Frick, M. Brock Fenton, Polly Campbell, Gary F. McCracken, Robert M. Timm, and Hugh H. Genoways
Overture [From Field to Laboratory: A Memorial Volume in Honor of Robert J. Baker], Robert D. Bradley, David J. Schmidly, Hugh H. Genoways, and Lisa C. Bradley
Robert J. Baker Encomium: Hugh H. Genoways, Hugh H. Genoways
The Neotropical Variegated Squirrel, Sciurus variegatoides (Rodentia: Sciuridae) in Nicaragua, with the Description of a New Subspecies, Hugh H. Genoways and Robert M. Timm
Predictors of Bat Species Richness within the Islands of the Caribbean Basin, Justin D. Hoffman, Gabrielle Kadlubar, Scott C. Pedersen, Roxanne J. Larsen, Peter A. Larsen, Carleton J. Phillips, Gary G. Kwiecinski, and Hugh H. Genoways
Stephen Lory Williams (1948-2018), In Memoriam, Suzanne Boyer McLaren; Catharine A, Hawks; and Hugh H. Genoways
Bibliography of the Published Works of Stephen L. Williams, Suzanne Boyer McLaren, Catharine A. Hawks, and Hugh H. Genoways
A Scientometric Appreciation of Robert J. Baker's Contributions to Science and Mammalogy, David J. Schmidly, Robert D. Bradley, Emma K. Roberts, Lisa C. Bradley, and Hugh H. Genoways
Robert James Baker (1942-2018), Obituary, Hugh H. Genoways, Robert D. Bradley, David J. Schmidly, Lisa C. Bradley, James J. Bull, Karen McBee, Meredith J. Hamilton, and Peter A. Larsen
An Engineer Cantonment Bestiary: The Art of Titian Ramsay Peale, Hugh H. Genoways and Thomas E. Labedz
An Engineer Cantonment Bestiary: The Art of Titian Ramsay Peale [Part 6], Hugh H. Genoways and Thomas E. Labedz
Science at Engineer Cantonment [Part 5], Hugh H. Genoways and Brett C. Ratcliffe
Historical Observations and Identifications of Plants and Animals in the Vicinity of Engineer Cantonment in 1819-1820, Hugh H. Genoways, Brett C. Ratcliffe, Carl R. Falk, and John R. Bozell
Science at Engineer Cantonment, Hugh H. Genoways, Brett C. Ratcliffe, Carl R. Falk, Thomas E. Labedz, Paul R. Picha, and John R. Bozell
Bats of St. Vincent, Lesser Antilles, Gary G. Kwiecinski, Scott C. Pedersen, Hugh H. Genoways, Peter A. Larsen, Roxanne J. Larsen, Justin D. Hoffman, Fitzroy Springer, Carleton J. Phillips, and Robert J. Baker
Bats of Saint Lucia, Lesser Antilles, Scott C. Pedersen, Gary G. Kwiecinski, Hugh H. Genoways, Roxanne J. Larsen, Peter A. Larsen, Carleton J. Phillips, and Robert J. Baker
Bats of Sint Eustatius, Caribbean Netherlands, Scott C. Pedersen, Peter A. Larsen, Sil A. Westra, Ellen van Norren, Wesley Overman, Gary G. Kwiecinski, and Hugh H. Genoways
Patterns of Morphological and Molecular Evolution in the Antillean Tree Bat, Ardops nichollsi (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae), Roxanne J. Larsen, Peter A. Larsen, Caleb D. Phillips, Hugh H. Genoways, Gary G. Kwiecinski, Scott C. Pedersen, Carleton J. Phillips, and Robert J. Baker
Addendum to Encomia and Reflections, Clyde Jones (1935-2015): Encomium, Robert J. Baker, Carleton J. Phillips, and Hugh H. Genoways
Oral Presentation Abstracts by Day and Symposium from the 11th International Mammalogical Congress (Belfast, Northern Ireland : August 11-16, 2013), International Mammalogical Congress
Biodiversity, Biogeography, and Conservation of Bats in the Lesser Antilles, Scott C. Pedersen, Hugh H. Genoways, Gary G. Kwiecinski, Peter A. Larsen, and Roxanne J. Larsen
Bats of Barbados, Hugh H. Genoways, Roxanne J. Larsen, Scott C. Pedersen, Gary G. Kwiecinski, and Peter A. Larsen
Examination of Annual Variation in the Adult Sex Ratio of Pronghorn (Antilocapra americana), Justin D. Hoffman and Hugh H. Genoways
Examination of Annual Variation in the Adult Sex Ratio of Pronghorn (Antilocapra americana), Justin D. Hoffman and Hugh H. Genoways
Genetic Diversity of Neotropical Myotis (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) with an Emphasis on South American Species, Roxanne J. Larsen, Michelle C. Knapp, Hugh H. Genoways, Faisal Ali Anwarali Khan, Peter A. Larsen, Don E. Wilson, and Robert J. Baker
Genetic Diversity of Neotropical Myotis (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) with an Emphasis on South American Species, Roxanne J. Larsen, Michelle C. Knapp, Hugh H. Genoways, Faisal Ali Anwarali Khan, Peter A. Larsen, Don E. Wilson, and Robert J. Baker
Evolutionary History of Caribbean Species of Myotis, with Evidence of a Third Lesser Antillean Endemic, Roxanne J. Larsen, Peter A. Larsen, Hugh H. Genoways, Francois M. Catzeflis, Keith Geluso, Gary G. Kwiecinski, Scott C. Pedersen, and Fernando Simal
Body Mass Estimation in Amphicyonid Carnivoran Mammals: A Multiple Regression Approach from the Skull and Skeleton, Borja Figueirido, Juan Antonio Perez-Claros, Robert Hunt, and Paul Palmqvist
Obituary: Jerry Ronald Choate, 1943-2009, Elmer J. Finck, Hugh H. Genoways, Justin D. Hoffman, Carleton J. Phillips, and Robert J. Baker
Historical Biogeography of Nebraska Pronghorns (Antilocapra americana), Justin D. Hoffman, Hugh H. Genoways, and Rachel R. Jones
Evolution of Large Carnivores During the Mid-Cenozoic of North America: The Temnocyonine Radiation (Mammalia, Amphicyonidae), Robert Hunt Jr.
Blarina hylophaga (Sorciomorpha: Soricidae), Cody W. Thompson, Jerry R. Choate, Hugh H. Genoways, and Elmer J. Finck
Identification and Characterization of the Contact Zone between Short-Tailed Shrews (Blarina) in Iowa and Missouri, Cody W. Thompson, R. S. Pfau, Jerry R. Choate, Hugh H. Genoways, and Elmer J. Finck
Systematic Revision of the Northern Short-tailed Shrew, Blarina brevicauda (Say), Wm. David Webster, Nancy D. Moncrief, Jerry R. Choate, and Hugh H. Genoways
Simple Predictors of Bite Force in Bats: The Good, the Better, and the Better Still, Patricia W. Freeman and Cliff A. Lemen
Bats of the Grenadine Islands, West Indies, and Placement of Koopman's Line, Hugh H. Genoways, Gary G. Kwiecinski, Peter A. Larsen, Scott C. Pedersen, Roxanne J. Larsen, Justin D. Hoffman, Mark de Silva, Carleton J. Phillips, and Robert J. Baker
Factors Influencing Long-Term Population Dynamics of Pronghorn (Antilocapra americana): Evidence of an Allee Effect, Justin D. Hoffman, Hugh H. Genoways, and Rachel R. Jones
New Records of Bats from the British Virgin Islands, Gary G. Kwiecinski, Jean-Pierre Bacle, Kevel C. Lindsay, and Hugh H. Genoways
Macroecology of Caribbean Bats: Effects of Area, Elevation, Latitude, and Hurricane-Induced Disturbance, Michael R. Willig, Steven J. Presley, Christopher P. Bloch, and Hugh H. Genoways
Observations of Reproduction in Mountain Lions from Nebraska, Sam Wilson, Justin D. Hoffman, and Hugh H. Genoways
Puncture-Resistance of Gloves for Handling Bats, Patricia W. Freeman and Cliff A. Lemen
A Survey of Bats in Northern Trinidad Late in the Rainy Season, Keith Geluso, Mary J. Harner, Cliff A. Lemen, and Patricia W. Freeman
Historical Winter Diets of Mink (Mustela vison) in Nebraska, Justin D. Hoffman, Sam Wilson, and Hugh H. Genoways
Recent Occurrence of an American Black Bear in Nebraska, Justin D. Hoffman, Sam Wilson, and Hugh H. Genoways
Bats of Montserrat: Population Fluctuation and Response to Hurricanes and Volcanoes, 1978-2005, Scott C. Pedersen, Gary G. Kwiecinski, Peter A. Larsen, Matthew N. Morton, Rick A. Adams, Hugh H. Genoways, and Vicki J. Swier
Encomium: Rolliin Harold Baker: 1916-2007, Carleton J. Phillips, Robert J. Baker, and Hugh H. Genoways
Obituary: Terry Lamon Yates, 1950-2007., Robert J. Baker, David J. Schmidly, Joseph A. Cook, Jorge Salazar-Bravo, and Hugh H. Genoways
A Simple Morphological Predictor of Bite Force in Rodents, Patricia W. Freeman and Cliff A. Lemen
Material Properties of Coyote Dentine under Bending: Gradients in Flexibility and Strength by Position, Patricia W. Freeman and Cliff A. Lemen
Measuring Bite Force in Small Mammals with a Piezo-Resistive Sensor, Patricia W. Freeman and Cliff A. Lemen
Historic and Recent Distributions of Elk in Nebraska, Kent A. Fricke, Michael A. Cover, Scott E. Hygnstrom, Hugh H. Genoways, Scott R. Groepper, Kit Hams, and Kurt C. VerCauteren
Historic and Recent Distributions of Elk in Nebraska, Kent A. Fricke, Michael A. Cover, Scott E. Hygnstrom, Scott R. Groepper, Hugh H. Genoways, Kit M. Hams, and Kurt C. VerCauteren
Hybrid Zones, Genetic Isolation, and Systematics of Pocket Gophers (Genus Geomys) in Nebraska., Hugh H. Genoways, Meredith J. Hamilton, Darin M. Bell, Ryan R. Chambers, and Robert T. Bradley
Engineer Cantonment, Missouri Territory, 1819-1820: America's First Biodiversity Ineventory, Hugh H. Genoways and Brett C. Ratcliffe
Characterization of a Contact Zone Between Two Subspecies of the Big Brown Bat (Eptesicus fuscus) in Nebraska, Justin D. Hoffman and Hugh H. Genoways
Speciation within Bonneted Bats (Genus Eumops): The Complexity of Morphological, Mitochondrial, and Nuclear Data Sets in Systematics, Molly M. McDonough, Loren K. Ammerman, Robert M. Timm, Hugh H. Genoways, Peter A. Larsen, and Robert J. Baker
The Trade-Off between Tooth Strength and Tooth Penetration: Predicting Optimal Shape of Canine Teeth, Patricia W. Freeman and Cliff A. Lemen
Using scissors to quantify hardness of insects: Do bats select for size or hardness?, Patricia W. Freeman and Cliff A. Lemen
Bats of Saint Martin, French West Indies/Sint Maarten, Netherlands Antilles, Hugh H. Genoways, Scott C. Pedersen, Peter A. Larsen, Gary G. Kwiecinski, and Jeffrey J. Huebschman
Bats of Anguilla, Northern Lesser Antilles, Hugh H. Genoways, Carleton J. Phillips, Scott C. Pedersen, and Linda K. Gordon
Phylogenetics and Phylogeography of the Artibeus jamaicensis Complex Based on Cytochrome-b DNA Sequences, Peter A. Larsen, Steven R. Hoofer, Matthew C. Bozeman, Scott C. Pedersen, Hugh H. Genoways, Carleton J. Phillips, Dorothy E. Pumo, and Robert J. Baker
Mist Netting Bias, Species Accumulation Curves, and the Rediscovery of Two Bats on Montserrat (Lesser Antilles), Roxanne Larsen, Karen A. Boegler, Hugh H. Genoways, Will P. Masefield, Ronan A. Kirsch, and Scott C. Pedersen
Bats of Barbuda, Northern Lesser Antilles, Scott C. Pedersen, Peter A. Larsen, Hugh H. Genoways, Matthew Morton, Kevel C. Lindsay, and Jerry Cindric
Subfamily Phyllostominae Gray, 1825 from Mammals of South America, Stephen L. Williams and Hugh H. Genoways
Taxonomy of Short-Tailed Shrews (Genus Blarina) in Florida, Russell A. Benedict, Hugh H. Genoways, and Jerry R. Choate
An experimental approach to modeling the strength of canine teeth, Patricia W. Freeman and Cliff A. Lemen
Puncturing ability of idealized canine teeth: edged and non-edged shanks, Patricia W. Freeman and Cliff A. Lemen
Long-Distance Dispersal and Population Trends of Moose in the Central United States, Justin D. Hoffman, Hugh H. Genoways, and Jerry R. Choate
Bats of Antigua, Northern Lesser Antilles, Scott C. Pedersen, Peter A. Larsen, Hugh H. Genoways, Kevel Lindsay, Matthew Morton, Rick Adams, Vicki J. Swier, and Jon Appino
Mammalogy at Texas Tech University: A Historical Perspective, Lisa C. Bradley, John R. Suchecki, Brian R. Amman, Joel G. Brant, Hugh H. Genoways, L. Rex McAliley, Robert J. Baker, Francisca Mendez-Harclerode, and Robert D. Bradley
Nebraska's Endangered Species, Part 6: Threatened and Endangered Mammals, Patricia W. Freeman
Selective Breeding for High Endurance Running Increases Hindlimb Symmetry, Theodore Garland Jr. and Patricia W. Freeman
Bats of Jamaica, Hugh H. Genoways, John W. Bickham, Robert J. Baker, and Carleton J. Phillips
Mammals of the Cosigüina Peninsula of Nicaragua, Hugh H. Genoways and Robert M. Timm
Natural History and Karyology of the Yucatán Vesper Mouse, Otonyctomys hatti, Hugh H. Genoways, Robert M. Timm, and Mark D. Engstrom
Recent Records of Formerly Extirpated Carnivores in Nebraska, Justin D. Hoffman and Hugh H. Genoways
Results of the Alcoa Foundation-Suriname Expeditions. XIV. Mammals of Brownsberg Nature Park, Suriname, Burton K. Lim, Mark D. Engstrom, Hugh H. Genoways, François M. Catzeflis, Kelly A. Fitzgerald, Sandra L. Peters, Marijem Djosetro, Sandra Brandon, and Sutrisno Mitro
Bats of St. Kitts (St. Christopher), Northern Lesser Antilles, with Comments Regarding Capture Rates of Neotropical Bats, Scott C. Pedersen, Hugh H. Genoways, Mathew N. Morton, Gary G. Kwiecinski, and Sian E. Courts
Carnivores from the Mexican State of Puebla: Distribution, Taxonomy, and Conservation, Jose Ramirez-Pulido, Noe Gonzalez-Ruiz, and Hugh H. Genoways
A New Species of Oryzomys (Rodentia: Muridae) from an Isolated Pocket of Cerrado in Eastern Bolivia, Daniel M. Brooks, R. Julieta Vargas M., Teresa Tarifa, Hugo Aranibar, and José Manuel Rojas
Global Climate and the Evolution of Large Mammalian Carnivores during the Later Cenozoic in North America, Robert Hunt Jr.
Historical Biogeography of the Woodchuck (Marmota monax bunkeri) in Nebraska and Northern Kansas, Zachary P. Roehrs and Hugh H. Genoways
The Florida Bonneted Bat, Eumops floridanus (Chiroptera: Molossidae): Distribution, Morphometrics, Systematics, and Ecology, Robert M. Timm and Hugh H. Genoways
The Xenarthrans of Nicaragua, Hugh H. Genoways and Robert M. Timm
Bats of Nevis, Northern Lesser Antilles, Scott C. Pedersen, Hugh H. Genoways, Matthew N. Morton, James W. Johnson, and Siân E. Courts
Ecomorphology of Bats: Comparative and Experimental Approaches Relating Structural Design to Ecology, Sharon M. Swartz, Patricia W. Freeman, and Elizabeth F. Stockwell
West Indian Mammals from the Albert Schwartz Collection: Biological and Historical Information, Robert M. Timm and Hugh H. Genoways
Call parameters and facial features in bats: a surprising failure of form following function, Amanda Goudy-Trainor and Patricia W. Freeman
New Amphicyonid Carnivorans (Mammalia, Daphoeninae) from the Early Miocene of Southeastern Wyoming, Robert M. Hunt Jr.
Nebraska's Nature Compendium, Thomas E. Labedz
Environmental Change in the Great Plains: An Isotopic Record from Fossil Horses, Benjamin H. Passey, Thure E. Cerling, Michael E. Perkins, Michael R. Voorhies, John M. Harris, and Shane T. Tucker
Review of Antillean Bats of the Genus Ariteus, Hugh H. Genoways
Evolution of a Scientific Meeting: Eighty Annual Meetings of the American Society of Mammalogists, 1919-2000, Hugh H. Genoways and Patricia W. Freeman
Bats of the West Indian Island of Dominica: Natural History, Areography, and Trophic Structure, Hugh H. Genoways, Carleton J. Phillips, Robert M. Timm, and Duane A. Schlitter
Observations on Small Mammals Recovered from Owl Pellets from Nebraska, Jeffrey J. Huebschman, Patricia W. Freeman, Hugh H. Genoways, and Jospeh A. Gubanyi
Shifting Distributional Patterns of Mammals in Nebraska, Russell A. Benedict, Hugh H. Genoways, and Patricia W. Freeman
Shifting Distributional Patterns of Mammals in Nebraska, Russell A. Benedict, Hugh H. Genoways, and Patricia W. Freeman