Museum, University of Nebraska State
Date of this Version
Special Publications of the Texas Tech University Museum (December 1972) no. 1.
The fauna and flora of the Mexican state of Jalisco have received the much deserved attention of a number of biologists in recent years. Nevertheless, few comprehensive accounts of the biota of this interesting and physiographically diverse area have been published. In the period from 1949 to 1969, field representatives of the Museum of Natural History at the University of Kansas collected vertebrates in Jalisco. Among the specimens obtained from the state, the mammalian fauna of which never has been treated as a unit previously, were approximately 3000 bats, which form the primary basis for this report. In addition to specimens housed in the museum at Kansas, a few bats from other collections also were studied; furthermore, citation is made in the accounts beyond to Jaliscan localities from which bats have been reported previously in the literature other than those localities from which we actually examined material.
The first published scientific account of chiropterans from Jalisco was by J. A. Allen (1889), who reported three species from the state. Since that time, some eight species or subspecies new to science have been described from Jalisco and a number of other publications dealing with bats have appeared. The chiropteran fauna of the state, as presently known, consists of 62 species belonging to 34 genera of seven families. Certain other species, most notably Diclidurus virgo, Tadarida macrotis, and Tadarida aurispinosa, likely will be found to occur in Jalisco with the advent of additional field work there.
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Copyright 1972, Texas Tech University. Used by permission.