National Collegiate Honors Council


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Published in Honors in Practice, volume 2. Copyright 2006 National Collegiate Honors Council.


Table of Contents:

Editorial Policy

Submission Guidelines

Dedication to Ted Estess

Editor’s Introduction by Ada Long

Honors in Chile: New Engagements in the Higher Education System by Juan Carlos Skewes, Carlos Alberto Cioce Sampaio, and Frederick J. Conway

Dominican University of California’s Honors Program and its Relation to University Heritage and Mission by Jayati Ghosh, M. Patricia Dougherty, and Kenneth Porada

Community Beyond Honors: Butler University’s Community Fellows Program by Margaret Brabant and Anne M. Wilson

Leadership in Scholarship Program by Matthew L. Smith and Jason C. Vallee

How to Develop and Promote an Undergraduate Research Day by Michael K. Cundall Jr

An Honors Pilot Course: Cross-Cultural Service and Inquiry-Based Learning in Mérida, Mexico by Theresa A. Minick and Victoria Bocchicchio

They Filched Our Program! How to Turn That into a Good Thing by Anne M. Wilson and Melissa Ludwa

Fun and Games of Teaching: Simulations in a Social Problems Course by Lisa New Freeland

Using Peer Review in Honors Courses by Jeffrey R. Stowell

Overview of the NCHC Faculty Institute in Miami and the Everglades by Peter Machonis

“You’re Not Typical Professors, Are You?”: Reflections on the NCHC Faculty Institute in Miami and the Everglades by Joy Ochs

Cultural Enrichment: Finding Where You Fit, Exploring Individuality and Community (1-hour introductory course) by Leslie Hahn and Jim Rogers

East Meets West (interdisciplinary) by Eliza Glaze and Philip Whalen

Great Questions That Have Changed the World (science) by Dave Pruett

The Legacy of Ancient Technology (social science) by Troy R. Lovata

Science and Writing (interdisciplinary) by John C. Charpie and Michael Shea

Writing and American Rhetoric (humanities) by Bebe Nickolai

About the Authors

NCHC Publication Order Forms
