National Collegiate Honors Council


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Published in Honors in Practice, volume 3. Copyright 2007 National Collegiate Honors Council.


Table of Contents:

Editorial Policy

Submission Guidelines

Dedication to William P. Mech

Editor’s Introduction by Ada Long

Learning a Practice Versus Learning to Be a Practitioner: Teaching Archaeology in an Honors Context by Troy R. Lovata

Teaching Arts and Honors: Four Successful Syllabi by P. Brent Register, Robert Bullington, and Joe A. Thomas

Service Learning in the Honors Composition Classroom: What Difference Does It Make? by Ann T. Parker

First-Year “Initiation” Courses in Honors by Jim Lacey

Teaching an Honors Course Tied to a Large University Event by Anne M. Wilson, Tyler D. Blakley, Kathryn A. Leciejewski, Michelle L. Sams, and Susan A. Surber

The Fessenden Honors in Engineering Program by Michael Giazzoni

Where Are the Education Majors and Faculty? by Lynne Steyer Noble and Jennifer E. Dowling

Integrating an Honors Minor, Education Major and Global Teacher Preparation by David M. Bishop and Kelli S. Sittason

More Than an ID Number or a GPA: Developmental Advising in Honors by Jacqueline R. Klein, Lisa French, and Pamela Degotardi

The Honors Community: Furthering Program Goals by Securing Honors Housing by Nancy L. Reichert

The Advanced Classroom Technology Laboratory: Cultivating Innovative Pedagogy by Scott Carnicom, K. Watson Harris, Barbara Draude, Scott McDaniel, and Philip M. Mathis

“BBQ with the Profs” and the Development of Collegial Associations by Craig T. Cobane and Lindsey B. Thurman

Multi-Level Benefits of Using Research Journals in Honors by Christina Ashby-Martin

Ten Steps to Honors Publication: How Students Can Prepare Their Honors Work for Publication by Ellen B. Buckner

Looking to the Future: The Everglades from Beginning to End? (interdisciplinary) by Peter Machonis / Devon Graham

Disability: Past and Present (interdisciplinary/professional) by Carolyn Stuart and Mary Jo Festle

Methods of Applied Mathematics (science and math) by Bruce Bukiet and Roy Goodman

Social Systems and Issues: Food & Culture (social sciences) by Sarah Gordon

Monsters and Marvels Through the Ages (humanities, lower level) by Leslie A. Donovan

The Literature and Cinema of Revenge (humanities, upper level) by Rusty Rushton

About the Authors

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