National Collegiate Honors Council


Date of this Version

Fall 2005


Published in Journal of the National Collegiate Honors Council 6:2, Fall/Winter 2005. Copyright © 2005 by the National Collegiate Honors Council.


Somewhat uncomfortably, I confess that the question “What is Honors?” rings a bit too Platonic to these ears. I hardly feel qualified to describe “Honors” in terms of its timeless, disembodied, ideal Form, although I suppose the shadows on the wall of my own humble cave are recognizable enough. Honors at Niagara University has as its primary purpose to enrich the academic experience of NU’s most talented students, and we try to do so by weaving coursework and individual research opportunities into each student’s curriculum in order to enhance both the general education and the major programs. We put on a burgeoning undergraduate research conference every year. We recently revised our curriculum to offer our students a wider array of Honors courses. We devote a great deal of well-spent energy to advising our students, helping each to find a way to make the Honors experience truly complementary to his or her overall academic work.
