National Collegiate Honors Council
Date of this Version
Published in Journal of the National Collegiate Honors Council, Fall/Winter 2013, Volume 14, Number 2
Since Jerry Herron begins his forum essay, “Notes toward an Excellent Marxist-Elitist Honors Admissions Policy,” with his anecdotal True Genealogical Confessions, I feel obligated to begin in a similar mode. One side of my family was in the real estate business in St. Louis, and the other operated on the production side of industry—garment manufacturing, in the schmatta business so to speak. Like Herron, I have benefitted from a familial confluence of disparate skill sets in my position as Director of the Georgia Perimeter College Honors Program, which during the recruiting and registration season I would liken to that of the Buddhist monk selling water from a haphazardly constructed lemonadesque stand situated on the bank of a river. Of course, what unwary wayfaring students to GPC’s educational waters do not know is that my suitemate, who has for too many years endured overhearing my recruiting spiels, calls me a silver-tongued devil. No comment. The recruiting business in honors at GPC is dramatically different
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