National Collegiate Honors Council


Date of this Version



Published in Journal of the National Collegiate Honors Council, Spring/Summer 2014, Volume 15, Number 1.


Copyright © 2014 by the National Collegiate Honors Council.


One of the most important issues in any educational environment is identifying factors that promote academic success. A plethora of research on such factors exists across most academic fields, involving a wide range of student demographics, and the definition of student success varies across the range of studies published. While much of the research is devoted to looking at student performance in particular courses and concentrates on examination scores and grades, many authors have directed their attention to student success in the context of an entire academic program; student success in this context usually centers on program completion or graduation and student retention. The analysis in this paper follows the emphasis of McKay on the importance of conducting repeated research on student completion of honors programs at different universities for different time periods. This paper uses a probit regression analysis as well as the logit regression analysis employed by McKay in order to determine predictors of student success in the honors program at a small, public university, thus attempting to answer McKay’s call for a greater understanding of honors students and factors influencing their success. The use of two empirical models on completion data, employing different base distributions, provides more robust statistical estimates than observed in similar studies.
