National Collegiate Honors Council

Journal of the National Collegiate Honors Council Online Archive
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Published in Journal of the National Collegiate Honors Council 10:2, Fall/Winter 2009.
Last year, my sister-in-law served a Turducken for Thanksgiving dinner. I suspect that most people have yet to hear of it. It is a partially de-boned turkey, stuffed with a partially de-boned duck that has been stuffed with a partially de-boned chicken. I am sitting behind the reference desk at our university library and thinking about that Turducken: how it was presented, how it tasted, and how it was consumed. A student researching technological progress in the Romantic age approaches. She mentions Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and hands me her syllabus. I find the assignment nestled within a nexus of embedded applets and threaded discussions. The e-textbook contains a companion website provided by the publisher with dynamic links to template assignments and tin-can pedagogy.
Copyright 2009 by the National Collegiate Honors Council.