"Demography of Honors: The Census of U.S. Honors Programs and Colleges" by Richard I. Scott, Patricia J. Smith et al.

National Collegiate Honors Council


Date of this Version

Spring 2017


Published in Journal of the National Collegiate Honors Council, Spring/Summer 2017, Volume 18. Number 1.


Copyright 2017 by the National Collegiate Honors Council.


Beginning in 2013 and spanning four research articles, we have implemented an empirical analysis protocol for honors education that is rooted in demography (Scott; Scott and Smith; Smith and Scott “Growth”; Smith and Scott, “Demography”). The goal of this protocol is to describe the structure and distribution of the honors population, but instead of a focus on aggregates of students or faculty and staff, the educational institution is the unit of analysis. This organizational demography has answered many questions about the growth of honors throughout collegiate education over time (Smith and Scott, “Growth”); documenting infrastructural and programmatic differences between honors colleges and programs, and between those programs at two-year and four-year institutions (Scott); identifying the existence of all institutions offering honors education in the United States and how they are grouped by institutional mission and control (Scott and Smith); and mapping the location and regional affiliation of all honors programs and colleges in the United States (Smith and Scott, “Demography”).
