National Collegiate Honors Council


Date of this Version

Fall 2001


Published in Journal of the National Collegiate Honors Council 2:2, Fall/Winter 2001. Copyright © 2001 by the National Collegiate Honors Council.


Kulturkritiker Cornel West focuses on artists and critics of color in the statement above, and his words are therefore particularly pertinent to students at my home institution, Norfolk State University, the fifth-largest historically black university in the U.S. His refreshing radicalism, however, can serve as a universal call to arm all students, and especially honors students, with the weapons of media literacy. Empowering students as makers and critics of film and video art serves the most vital interests of interdisciplinary honors education, and this essay explores some ways of training both types of “cultural workers,” i.e. student filmmakers and critics. My assumption is that, far from being adversaries, good artists and good critics share a common skill set and participate in the larger common cause of what West terms “critique and resistance.”
