National Collegiate Honors Council


Date of this Version


Document Type

Book Chapter


National Collegiate Honors Council, 1100 Neihardt Residence Center, University of Nebraska-Lincoln 540 N. 16th Street Lincoln, NE 68588-0627


Copyright © 2015 by National Collegiate Honors Council.


Introduction: What We Talk About When We Talk About Housing Honors. . . ix Linda Frost

Part I: Housing Honors Today

CHAPTER 1: Where Honors Lives: Results from a Survey of the Structures and Spaces of U.S. Honors Programs and Colleges . . . 3 Linda Frost and Lisa W. Kay

Part II: Profiles of Spaces and Places in Honors

CHAPTER 2: The Commonwealth Honors College Residential Community at the University of Massachusetts Amherst . . . 47 Melissa Woglom and Meredith Lind

CHAPTER 3: Do Your Homework First, and Then Go Play! . . . 57 Larry Andrews

CHAPTER 4: The Genesis of Barrett, the Honors College at Arizona State University. . . 83 Mark Jacobs

CHAPTER 5: Building Community in Árbol de la Vida. . . 93 Patricia MacCorquodale

CHAPTER 6: Living to Learn, Learning for Life: Housing Honors Classrooms and Offices in an Honors Residence Hall . . . 105 Karen Lyons

CHAPTER 7: Where Honors Lives: Old Central at Oklahoma State University. . . 115 Robert Spurrier and Jessica Roark

CHAPTER 8: Life of the Mind/Life of the House: “This Place Matters”. . . 125 Vicki Ohl

CHAPTER 9: “In an old nave’s grime”: The Spencer Honors House. . . 141 Rusty Rushton

CHAPTER 10: Pick Your Battles: It Is Possible to Have Belonging without a Space to Belong To. . .147 Mariah Birgen

CHAPTER 11: Honors Space: What to Do When There Isn’t Any. . . . 153 Joy Ochs

Part III: A Forum on Honors Housing

CHAPTER 12: Honors Students’ Perceptions of the Value and Importance of Honors Housing. . . 163 Angela D. Mead, Samantha Rieger, and Leslie Sargent Jones

CHAPTER 13: Honors Housing: Castle or Prison?. . . 183 Richard Badenhausen

CHAPTER 14: Building Honors Community through Honors Housing. . . 193 Barry Falk

CHAPTER 15: Lessons Learned from Nevada’s Honors Residential Scholars Community. . . 201 Tamara Valentine

CHAPTER 16: It’s All in the Family: The (Honors) Ties that Bind Us . . . 215 Jamaica Afiya Pouncy

CHAPTER 17: Winging It: Why Offering Honors Wings Works at Oral Roberts University . . . 219 Ashley Sweeney, Hannah Covington, and John Korstad

CHAPTER 18: One Size Does Not Fit All: When Honors Housing May Not Work . . . 227 Laura Feitzinger Brown

CHAPTER 19: Living-Learning Communities: As Natural as Cats and Dogs Living Together. . . 233 John R. Purdie II

CHAPTER 20: The Colliding Cultures of Honors and Housing. . . 241 Melissa L. Johnson, Elizabeth McNeill, Cory Lee, and Kathy Keeter

CHAPTER 21: It Came with Everything: A Baby Grand Piano, Hardwood Floors, Regular Flooding, 200 Honors Students, and a Live-In Scholar. . . 247 Gloria Cox

CHAPTER 22: Living in Hogwarts: The Experience of a Dean of Honors and His Wife While Living in an Honors Residence Hall . . . 257 Keith Garbutt and Christine Garbutt

CHAPTER 23: Anomalies and Ambiguities of a Faculty-in-Residence. . . 275 Paul Strom

Part IV: The Future of Housing Honors

CHAPTER 24: The Place to Be: Designing a City-Connected Honors Residence in Rotterdam. . . 283 Remko Remijnse

CHAPTER 25: We the Students: Surveying Spaces and Envisioning the Future . . . 301 Tatiana Cody and Rachael Poe

About the Authors. . . 307

About the NCHC Monograph Series . . . 314
