Nebraska College Preparatory Academy


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Senior Capstone Project Poster, Nebraska College Preparatory Academy/Grand Island Senior High School 2019. University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Copyright © 2019 Gladys Martinez Cruz


This research focuses specifically on informing on one of the most problematic issues around the country: child abuse and neglect. In depth, it examines the types of child abuses, the risk factors, the signs and symptoms, and the consequences this issue brings to the victims. Seen in various forms such as neglect, physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, child abuse is the intentional act of a parent/caretaker which results, or is likely to result, in physical injury to a child. This issue is important because several children are losing their lives, losing the opportunity of having a future.

● Young children between the age of four or younger with special needs are more at risk of becoming victims. A parent is more likely to commit the abuse due to their young age, low education, and low income. ● Indicators of child abuse include bruises (physical), extreme behaviors (emotional), nightmares, difficulty in walking and sitting (sexual), and are constantly dirty and have insufficient clothes (neglect). ● Victims of child abuse experience high rates of depression, anxiety, PTSD, and disruptive behavior problems. These problems lead to the use of drugs and alcohol as a method to deal with the pain.
