Nebraska College Preparatory Academy


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Senior Capstone Project Poster, Nebraska College Preparatory Academy/Grand Island Senior High School 2019. University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Copyright © 2019 Hope Jensen


Teens need sleep, but it can be compromised as a result of busy daily schedules, technology, and sleep disorders that can affect sleep cycles. Sleep is vital to the human body and the mind. Without it, there can be problems. Technology can greatly impact a teen’s sleep schedule. The busy daily life of a teen can also impact sleep. Sleep is very important to a maturing teen’s body and brain, but research proved that it can be compromised during adolescent years. It is important for teens to understand what sleep is and how sleep works for the mind and the body.

• Failure to complete sleep cycles can lead to sleep deprivation. • “Teenagers probably get the least sleep out of many age groups…they’re super busy during the day” (Netzley, 2015, p. 43). • Students who are involved in many activities at school are less likely to get enough sleep (Bridgemohan & Esherick, 2004). • The use of technology before sleep can impact the quality and quantity of sleep (Schweizer et al., 2016). • Sleep deprivation can lead to sleep disorders (“Teens and Sleep,” 2018).
