Nebraska LTAP


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Shen, Z. and Jensen, W. "Integrated 3D Bridge-Conditon Visualization (BCV) to Facilitate Element-Based Bridge Condition Rating (EBCR)" (2015) Nebraska Department of Roads Research Reports. Report M004


Routine inspection and maintenance records are essential for bridges to function well throughout their intended lifespan. Although existing bridge management systems are efficient at data storage, it is difficult to conduct comprehensive data analysis and management due to the lack of data integration mechanism. Engineers have to manually put many pieces of bridge drawings and inspection data together to make maintenance or repair/rehab decisions. Building information modeling (BIM) can be applied in bridge asset management area, including bridge inspection/rating to help to integrate the many data pieces. In this project we developed a 3D bridge inspection data management system, using I-680 Mormon Bridge as a case, to integrate 3D visualization with bridge inspection and maintenance records for visualized data analysis and active data management. This system can be used in managing inspection data in other bridges, and other infrastructures with only minor modifications.
