Nebraska LTAP


NU-Deck Precast Deck Panels and Innovative Bridge Research and Construction

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Most of the deficiency in existing stringer-type bridges lie in deterioration of the bridge deck. Cast-in-place reinforced concrete decks experience cracking shortly after construction due to large differential creep and shrinkage with the supporting beams, and due to the temperature drop experienced during the hydration cycle. The NUDECK (Nebraska University) system is a full-depth precast/prestressed concrete bridge deck panel system. The combination of high performance precast concrete, where little creep and shrinkage occur after the deck is made composite with the beams, and two-way prestressing assure continued pre-compression of the deck during its life. With this system, construction time and inconvenience to the traveling public are both greatly reduced. Implementation of this system in the design and construction of the Skyline Bridge (89 ft + 125 ft with a 25 skew) in Omaha, Nebraska is presented.

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