"Online Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology: M" by Mary Ann Basinger Maggenti, Armand R. Maggenti et al.

Parasitology, Harold W. Manter Laboratory of


Date of this Version

September 2005

Document Type

Book Chapter


Copyright ©2005 Armand R. Maggenti and Scott Gardner.


macerate machopolyp machozooid macraner macrergate macrobiota macrocephalic macrocercous macrochaetae macrocilia macrocnemes macrocyte macroesthetes macroevolution macrofauna macrogamete macrogametocyte macrogamy macrogenesis macrogyne macroic macrolecithal macromere macromesentery macromitosome macromolecule macromutation macronotal macronucleocyte macrophage macrophthalmic macroplankton macropore macropseudogyne macropterous macrosclere macroscopic macroseptum macrosiphon macrosymbiont macrotaxonomy macrotrichia macrotype macrurous maculate madrepore madreporic madreporite malacoid malacology malacophilous malapophysis male male-cell malella malleate malleations malleolus malleoramate malleus malli Malpighian maltha mamelon mammillate manca manchette mancoid mandible mandibular Mandibulata mandibulate manducate manica maniform manitruncus manna manometabola mantle manubrium manuscript marble margaritaceous marginalia marginate marine marita marker marmorate marsh marsupium masked mass mastax mastication masticomorphic mastidion mastigobranch mastigobranchia mastigophore mastigopus maternal mating matrices matricidal matrifilial matrix matrone maturation mature maxapontal maxillary maxillipede maxillulae maxim mayrian meatal meatus mechanical mechanoreceptor meconida meconium mediad medial median mediator medio-cubital mediolateral mediotergite medioventral mediproboscis medulla medusa megabenthos megacephalic megaclad megaclone megadrile megalaesthetes megalolecithal megalopa megalopore megalops megamere megameric meganephridia megaplankton megapore megasclere megascolecin megascopic megetic Mehlis' meiocyte meiofauna meiolecithal meiomery meiosis meiotic meiotrichy melania melanin melanism melanoid meliphagous melittology melittophily melivorous mellifera melliferous mellisugent member membrane membranization membranous membranula membranule Mendel meniscoidal menognath Me¬norhyncha menotaxis mental mentasuture mentigerous mentum meraspis merdivorous mereopodite meridional meristal meriston meritrichy mermithaner mermithergate mermithized mermithodinergate mermithogyne mermithophore mermithostratiote mermitoid meroandry meroblastic merocerite merocrine merognathite meroic meroistic meromyarian meronephridium meropleuron meropodite merosome merospermy merus mesadene mesadenia mesal mesanapleural mesanepisternum mesaxon mesenchymatous mesenchyme mesenteron mesentery mesepimeral mesepimeron mesepisternum mesiad mesial mesic mesinfraepisternum meskatepimeron meskatepisternum mesobasisternum mesobiota mesoblastic mesobranchial mesocardiac meso¬cephalic mesocercaria mesocerebrum mesocoel mesocole mesoconch mesocuticle mesoderm mesodermal mesodont meso-epinotal mesoepisternum mesofacial mesofauna mesofurca mesogastric mesogloea mesohyl mesolamella mesolecithal mesology mesomere mesomerites mesomeron mesonephridium mesonotum mesopelagic mesopeltidium mesophragma mesoplankton mesoplax mesopleural mesopleuron mesopleurosternal mesopleurum mesopostnotum mesopostscutellum mesopraescutum mesop¬sammon mesopseudogyne mesorhabdions mesoscutellum mesoscutum mesoseries mesosoma mesosome mesospermalege mesosternal mesosternellum mesosternum mesostome mesostracum mesotarsal mesotarsus mesotergum mesothoracotheca mesothorax mesothyridid mesotriaene mesotroch mesozoans mesozona metabiosis metablastic metabola metabolic metabolism metabolite metabranchial metacentric metacephalon metacercaria metacerebrum metacestode metachemogenesis metachromasia metachromasis metachromasy metacnemes metacoel metacorporal metacorpus metacoxal metacyclic metacyst metaepisternum metaerucism metafemale metagastric metagenesis metagnath metagonia metagynous metagyny metakinesis metamale metamere metameric metamerism metameron metameros metamorphosis metanauplius metandric metandry metaneme metanephridium metanephromixium metanotal metanotum metaparapteron metapeltidium metaphase metaplasis metaplasm metaplastic metaplax metapleural metapleuron metapleurum metapneustic metapodeon metapodium metapodosoma metapolar metapon metapostnotum metapostscutellum metapraescutum metaprescutum metapygidium metarhabdions metascolex metascutellum metasoma metasome metastasis metasternal metasternum metastigmata metastoma metastome metasyndesis metatarsus metatentorium metatergum metathetely metathoracotheca metathorax metatroch metatrochophore metaxyphus metazoans metazoea metazoic metazona metazonite metecdysis metelattosis metenchium metenteron metepimeron metepisternum meter metinfraepisternum metochy metoecious metope metopic metopidium metraterm metrocyte micelle micraesthetes micraner micrergate microbe microbiota microbivorous microbody microbotroph microcalthrop microcaltrop microcentrum microcephalic microcercous microchaetae microclimate microcnemes microcotylate microdrile microelectrode microergate microevolution microfauna microfibril microfilaria microgamete microgametocyte microgeographic microgram microgranular microgyne microhabitat microhexactine microic microlecithal microleucocyte micromere micromesentary micrometer micromillimeter micromutation micron micronekton micronephridia micronicus microniscus micronucleocytes microorganism micropaleontology microphagous microphthalmic microphthalmy microplankton microplasmatocyte micropore micropredator micropseudogyne micropterism micropterogyne micropterous microptery micropylar micropyle micropyrenic microsclere microscolecine microscopic microsensillum microseptum microsomes microsomia microsomites microspecies microspines microstome microsymbiote microthorax microthrix microtome microtomy microtrices microtrichia microtubules microtype microvillus microxea microzoon mictic micton midbody middorsal midgut midintestine midventral migrante migrational milk millepunctatus millimeter millimicron mimesis mimetic mimicry mines minim miolecithal miracidium missense mitochondria mitochondrion mitogen mitosis mitosome mitotic mitraria mixocoel mixonephridium mixoploidy mnemotaxis modifer modification modioliform modulation moiety molar molecular molecules Mollusca molluscicide molluscs mollusks molting moltinism molula monacanthid monactinal monaene monarsenous monaster monaulic monaxonid monecious monila monilicorn moniliform monoallelic monobasic monocentric monochromatic monocondylar monocondylic monocrepid monocule monocyclic monodactyl monodelphic monodesmatic monodisc monodomous monoecious monoecism monoembryony monogamous monogamy monogenesis monogonoporus monogony monograph monogyny monohybrid monolayer monomeric monomerosomatous monomerous monomers monometrosis monomial monomorphism monomyarian mononchoid mononychous monoparental monophagous monophyletic monophyly monoplacid monoplacophorans monoploid monoplont monorchic monosiphonous monosome monospermy monostichous monostigmatous monostome monostome monothalamous monothecal mono¬thelious monothely monothetic monotrochous monotrophic monotropic monotype monotypic monovalent monovarial monovoltine monoxenic monoxenous monozoic montane monticolous monticule morgan moribund morpha morphallaxis morphism morphogenesis morphological morphology morphometrics morphometry morphopathology morphosis morphospecies morphotype morular morulation morulit mosaic moschate mother motile motor mottled moult mound mouse mouth movable mucid mucific mucigen mucilaginous mucin mucivorous mucoid mucolytic mucopolysaccharides mucoprotein mucoreous mucous mucron mucronate mucrones mucus mulberry Mullerian Muller's multiangular multiarticulate multicamerate multicarinate multicellular multicolonial multifactorial multifarious multifid multiforous multilocular multinucleate multiordinal multiovulate multiparasitism multiparous multipartite multiple multipolar multiporous multiramous multiserial multisetiferous multispinose multispiral multistriate multivalent multivalved multivincular multivoltine multizooidal mumia munite mural muricate muscidiform muscle muscularis musculature musculus mushroom mutafacient mutagen mutant mutation mutationism mutator mutein mutic mutilate mutilous muton mutualism muzzle myarian mycelium mycetangium mycetocyte mycetome mycetometochy mycetophagous mycohelminths mycophagous mycosis mycotoxin myelin myiasis myoblast myochordotonal myocytes myoepithelial myofibrillae myofibrils myogenic myoglobin myohaematin myohematin myoid myology myomere myoneural myoneure myonicity myophore myoplasm myosin myostracum myotasis myotome myrmecobiosis myrmecochory myrmecoclepty myrmecodomatium myrme¬cole myrmecology myrmecophagous myrmecophile myrmecophilous myrmecophily myrmecophobic myrmecophyte myrmecoxenes mysis mystacine mystax mytiliform myzesis myzorhynchus

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