"Online Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology: E" by Mary Ann Basinger Maggenti, Armand R. Maggenti et al.

Parasitology, Harold W. Manter Laboratory of


Date of this Version


Document Type

Book Chapter


Copyright ©2005 Armand R. Maggenti and Scott Gardner.


ear eave eaves eburnean ecalcarate ecarinate ecaudate ecbolic eccentric ecdemic ecdysial ecdysis ecdysone ecdysotrophic ecesis echinate echinating Echinodermata echinoderms echinopaedium echinostome echiopluteus Echiura echiurans ecitophile ecium eclectic eclipsed eclosion ecoclimate ecocline ecogeographical ecological ecology ecomorph ecomorphic economic ecoparasite ecophene ecophenotype eco¬phenotypic ecosite ecospecies ecosystem ecotone ecotype ecsoma ectad ectadenia ectal ectally ectoblast ectochone ectocochleate ectocommensal ectocrine ectocyst ectoderm ectodermal ectognathous ectohormones ectolecithal ectomere ectomesenchyme ectomesoderm ectoneural ectooecium ectoparasite ectopara¬sitic ectophagous ectophallus ectopic ectoplasm ectoproct Ectoprocta ectoprocts ectoptygma ectosomal ectosome ectospermalege ectostracum ectosymbion ectosymbi¬ont ectothermal ectotrophous ectozoon ecumenical edaphic edaphic factors edaphon edeagus edentate edentulous edge editum edoeagus effect effector efferent effete effluvium effuse eflected egest egesta egg egg funnel egg guide egg-burster egg-burster egg-calyx egg-cap egg-case egg-membrane egg-pod egg-pouch egg-tooth egg-tube egg-valve ejaculate ejaculatory elabrate elaeocyte elaphocaris elastes elastic elate elater elateriform Elatobranchiata Elatocephala elattostase elattostasic elbowed electropism electrotropism eleocyte eleutherorhabdic eleutherotogony eleutherozoic elevated elevator elimination elinguata elite ellipsoidal elliptical elongate elute elytra elytral elytriform elytrin elytron elytrophore emandibulate emarginate embolar embolium embolus emboly embossed embryo embryogenesis embryology embryonic embryophore embryos emendation emergence Emery's rule emigration eminence emmet empodial empodium emtomotomist enamel enantiomorphic enarthrosis encapsulation encephala encephalon encrusting encyst endemic end-hook endite endobiotic endoblast endocardium endochorion endocoel endocoelar endocoele endocommensal endocranium endocrine endocrinology endocuticle endocuticula endocyclic endocyst endocytosis endoderm endodyogeny endoenzymes endogamy endogastric endogean endogenous endogeny endognath endognathite endolabium endolecithal endolymph endolysis endomembrane endomesoderm endomitosis endoneurium endooecium endoparamere endoparasite endoparasitic endophagy endophallic endophallus endophragm endophragmal endophytic endopinacocyte endo¬plasm endoplasmic endopleural endopleurite endoplica endopodite endopolyogeny endopolyploid Endoprocta endoprocts Endopterygota endopterygote endopuncta endosiphuncle endoskeletal endoskeleton endosmosis endosome endospine endosternal endosternite endostome endostracum endostyle endosymbion endosymbiont endotergite endotheca endothermal endothorax endotoichal endotokia endotoky endotoxin endotrachea endozoic endozone endozooidal endysis energid enervose engraved ennomoclones ensate ensheathed ensiform entad ental entelechy enteric enterocoel enterocoele enterocoelic enterocoely enteroic enteron enteronephric enterosegmental enterostome enterozoa entire entoblast entobranchiate entocodon entoderm entognathous entolecithal entoloma entomiasis entomochore entomochoric entomochory entomogenous entomography entomolin entomology entomoparasitic entomophagous en¬tomophilic entomophilous entomophobia entomophyte entomosis Entomostraca entomostracan entomotaxy entomotomy entomurochrome entoneural entoparasite entophyte entopic entopleuron entoprocessus Entoprocta Entoprocta entoprocts entosaccal entosternite entosternum entotergum entothorax Entotropha entotrophous entozoa entozoal ento¬zoan entozoic entozoon enucleate envelope environment enzootic enzyme Eogaea eoplasmatocyte eoplasmatocytoid eosinophil eosinophilia epacme epalpate epandrium epaulet epaulets epaulett epaulettes epedaphic epharmonic epharmony epharmosis ephebic ephemeral ephippial ephippium ephyra ephyrae ephyre ephyrula epiandrium epiandrous epibenthos epibiont epibiotic epiblast epibolic epiboly, epibole epibranchial epibranchial lobe or area epicaridium epicaridum epicnemis epicnemium epicole epicole epicondyle epicranial epicranium epicuticle epicuticula epidemic epidemiology epiderma epidermal epidermis epididymis epifauna epifrontal epigaen epigamic epigastric epigastrium epigean epigenesis epigenetics epigenotype epiglossa epiglottis epigynial epigynium epilimnion epilobe epilobous epimegetic epimera epimeral epimere epimeron epimorpha epimorphic epimorphosis epineural epineurium epinotal epinotum epiopticon epiostracum epipelagic epiphallus epipharyngeal epipharynx epiphragm epiphysis epipleura epipleural epipleurum epiploon epipod epipodial epipodium epiproct epiprosoma epiptygma epipygium epirrhysa episematic episite epistasis episterna episternal episternum epistoma epistomal epistome epistomis epistomum epitheca epithelial epitheliomuscular epithelium epitoke epitoky epitorma epizoa epizoic epizoicide epizoon epizootic epizootiology epizyga epizygal epizygial epizygum epoch epomia epupillate equal equatorial equidistant equilateral equilibrating equimeric equipedal equipotent equivalve era eradiate erectopatent ereisma eremobic eremochaetous eremology eremophilous eremosymbiont ergastic ergastoplasm ergatandromorph ergataner ergate ergatogynandromorph ergatogyne ergatoid ergatomorphic ergatotelic ergonomics ericeticolous erichthus erosion errantia eruca eruciform erucism erucivorous eructation eruptive eryoneicus erythrocruorin erythropsin erythropterin escape glands escutcheon escutcheon ridge escutellate esoderma esophageal esophageal bulb, esophageal commissures esophageal ganglion esophageal glands esophageal intestinal valve, esophago-intestinal valve esophageal nervous system esophageal sclerite esophageal valve cardiac valve esophagointestinal valve esophagus, esophastome pharynx essential amino acids esthestasc esthete, estivate, estival estrus, etching cells ethocline ethological ethology etiology etiological euaster eucardo eucaryote eukaryote eucephalous eucephalic, euchromatin euchromosome Eucoelomata eucoiliform eucone eye eudesmatic eudoxid eudoxome eudoxome eugenics euhaline eukaryon eukaryote eukaryotic eulabium eulerhabd eulittoral zone Eumalacostraca, eumalacostracan eumegetic eumeiosis Eumetazoa eumetazoans eumitosis eunotum eupathid eupathidial euphotic zone euplantula euploid, aneuploid eupore eupyrene, eurybathic eurybenthic eurygamous euryhaline eurymorphic euryoecic euryphagous, eurypylous eurysaline euryhaline eurytele eurythermal eurytopic euryvalent eusaprobe eusocial insects eustasy eustegal epithelium eusternum eustipes eutaxiclad eutelic condition eutely eutelic euthylaematous euthyneury euthynerous eutrochantin eutrophapsis eutrophic eutrophy eutropous evaginate evagination evanescent eversible evert evertible eviscerate evisceration evocation evocator evolute evolution evolutionary exalate exarate exarate obtect exarticulate exarticulate excalcarate ecalcarate excaudate ecaudate excavated excentric eccentric excind excision excitation exclusion principle exclusion excrescence excrete egest excretion excretory system excretory tubules excurrent excurve excyst exhalant exhalant channel exhalant passage exhalant siphon exiguous exilazooid exilazooecium exite epipod(ite) exobiotic exochorion endochorion exocoele exocoel exocone eye exocorium exocrine glands endocrine glands exocuticle, exocuticula exocyclic exocytosis exoderm ectoderm exoenzyme exogamy endogamy, autogamy exogastric exogenous endogenous exognathite exognath exogyrate shell exogyroidal exoic exoloma exonephric enteronephric exoparasite ectoparasite exophylaxis exophytic exophytic oviposition exopinacocyte exoplasm ectoplasm exopod Exopterygota, exopterygote exosaccal cavity exoskeleton endoskeleton exoteric exotic exotoky endotoky exotoxin endotoxin exozone expalpate epalpate expantin experimental taxonomy expiration explanate explant explicate escutellate evolution excyst exite exobiotic exochorion exocoele exocrine exocuticle exogamy exogenous exoic exonephric exopodite Exoptery¬gota exoskeleton exotoky exotoxin exploratory explosive exsculptate exscutellate exserted exsertile exsheath exsules extend extensile extension extensor extenso-tendon extenuate exterior external external cortical layer external thickening externomedial externomedian exteroceptors extogenous extra-axial skeleton extracellular extraconic extracorporeal extrados extraembryonic extraenteric extranidal extranuclear extraocular extraoral extrapallial extratentacular extratropical extrazooidal extremity extrinsic extrorse extrude extrusion exudate exudatoria exude exumbilicate exumbrella exuvia exuviae exuvial exuviate eye eye brush eye cap eye-bridge eyespots eyestalk
