"Online Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology: H" by Mary Ann Basinger Maggenti, Armand R. Maggenti et al.

Parasitology, Harold W. Manter Laboratory of


Date of this Version

September 2005

Document Type

Book Chapter


Copyright ©2005 Armand R. Maggenti and Scott Gardner.


habitat habitude habroderes hackled haem haematodocha haemocoele haemocoelous haemocyte haemolymph haemolysis hae¬mopoietic haemostatic haemoxanthine haft hair haliotoid Haller's halmatometamorphosis halocline halophile halter halteres hamabiosis hamate hamatype hami hamiform hammock hampe hamula hamular hamulohalterae hamulus hamus Hancock's hapaloderes haplobiont haplo-diploidy haploid haplometrosis haplometrotic haploneme haploneural haplont haplophase haplosis haptolachus haptomeri haptomerum haptor Hardy-Weinberg harmonic harmosis harpago harpagones harpes harpoon hastate hastisetae hatching haustellate haustellum haustrulum Hautkorper Hayes' H-band head head-fans heart heautotype hectocotylus heel height heli helical helices helicocone heliophil heliophilic heliophilous heliophobic heliotaxis heliotropism helix helmet helminth helminthiasis helminthic Helminthology helocerous helotism helus hem hemal hemapoiesis hematacyte hematal hematocyte hematodocha hematogenic hematogenous hematophagus hematopoiesis hemelytral hemelytron hemerophilic hemerophobic hemianamorphosis hemibranch hemicephalous hemidesmosome Hemimetabola hemimetabolous hemiomphalous hemiphragms hemipneustic hemisepta hemiseptum hemispondylium hemisyrinx hemitergite hemitrope hemizonid hemizonion hemizygous hemocoel hemocoelous hemocyanin hemocyte hemocytoblast hemocytopoietic hemoglobin hemolymph hemolysis hemolytic hemophagous hemopoietic hemozoin henidium Hensen hepatic hepatopancreas herbivore herbivorous hereditary heredity hermaphrodite hermaphroditic hermaphroditism hermatype hesmosis heteractinal heterauxesis heterchromatic hetergonic heteroacanthus heteroallelic heteroausecic heteroblastic heterobrachial heterocentric heterochelate heterochromatin heterochrome heterochromosome heterochronic heterochronism heteroclite heterocotylus heterodactyl heterodactyly heterodont heterodynamic heteroecious heterogamete heterogametic heterogamy heterogeneous heterogenesis heterogenetic heterogenic heterogomph heterogonic heterogony heterogynous heteroicous heteroideus heterology heterolysis heteromedusoid heteromerous Heterometabola heterometabolous heteromorphic heteromorphosis heteromyarian heteroneme heteronereid heteronereis heteronomous heteronychia heteropalpi heteroparthenogenesis heteroploid heteropod heteropycnosis heteropycnotic heteropyknosis heteropyknotic heterorhabdic heterosis heterosomal heterosome heterostrophic heterosyllid heterotaxis heterotopy heterotrichous heterotroph heterotrophic heterotropic heterotypic heteroxenous heterozooid heterozygosity heterozygote het¬erozygous hexacanth hexachaetous hexactinal hexactine hexagonal hexamerous hexanephric hexapod Hexapoda hexaradiate hexaster hexicology hexose hexuronic hiatus hiatuses hibernaculum hibernal hibernation hibernestivation Hicks' hierarchy hill hind hind-gut hindunguis hinge hingement hirsute hirudinin hispid hispidulous histoblast histochemistry histogenesis histohaematin histohematin histology histolysis histones histopathology histozoic histrichoglossate hive holandric holandry holarctic holaspis holidic holism holistic holobenthic holoblastic holochroal holocoen holocrine holocyclic holoenzyme hologamy holognathous hologynic hologynous hologyny holoic Holometabola holometabolous holomyarian holonephridia holoparalectotype holoparasite holophyletic holophyly holopneustic holoptic holosericeous holostomate holostomatous holotaxy holothuriids Holothuroidea holotrichous holotrichy holotype holozoic holozygote homelytra homeo homeoacanthous homeochilidium homeochronous homeodeltidium homeomerous homeomorph homeomorphous homeosis homeostasis homeostrophic homeotely homeotype homeotypic homing homo homoallelic homoblastic homochrome homochromy homodactyl homodont homo¬dynamic homodynamous homoechronous homoecious homoeochilidium homoeodeltidium homoeomerous homoeosis homoeotic homoeotype homoesis homogametic homogamy homogeneous homogenetic homogenic homogenous homogeny homogomph homogonic homoideus homoiosmotic homoiothermal homolecithal homologue homol¬ogy homomorpha homomorphic homomorphosis homomyarian homonomous homonym homoplassy homoplast homoplastic homoplasy homopterous homorhabdic homorpha homosequential homostase homotaxis homotene homotenous homothermis homotrichous homotype homotypic homotypy homozygosity homozygote homozygous homozygos honey honeycomb honeypot hood hooded hook hooklets hoplochaetellin hopopleural horiodimorphism horismology horizontal horme hormone horn horny horotelic host Hoyle's humeral humeri humerus humor hyaline hyalogen hyaloplasm hyaloplasma hyalopterous hybrid hybridization hydatid hydranth hydrarch hydra-tuba hydrelatic hydric hydrobiology hydrobiont hydrocarbon hydrocaulus hydrochoric hydrocircus hydrocladium hydrocoel hydrocoles hydrocyst hydroecium hydrofuge hydroid hydrolysis hydrophanous hydrophile hydrophilous hydrophobe hydrophyllum hydrophyton hydroplanula hydropolyp hydropore hydropyle hydrorhiza hydrosere hydrosome hydrosphere hydrospire hydrostatic hydrostome hydrotaxis hydrotheca hydrotropism Hydrozoa hydrozoans hydrula hygric hygrokinesis hygrometabolism hygropetric hygrophilous hygroreceptor hygroscopic hygrotaxis hygrotropism hylogamy hylophagous hylotomous hymen hyoid hyote hypandrium hyperandric hyperandry hyperapolysis hyperdiploid hypergamesis hypergynous hypergyny hyperhaline hyperhaploid hypermeric hypermery hypermetamorphosis hyperparasite hyperparasitoid hyperplasia hyperplasic hyperploid hyperpneustic hyperstomial hyperstrophic hypertely hypertrichy hypertrophy hypistoma hypnody hypnosis hypnote hypnotheca hypnotoxin hypobenthos hypobiotic hypoblast hypobranchial hypocerebral hypodactyl hypoderm hypodermal hypodermic hypodermis hypodigm hypodiploid hypogean hypoglossa hypoglossis hypoglottis hypognathous hypogynium hypohaline hypohaploid hypolimnion hypolithic hypomegetic hypomere hypomeric hypomeron hypomorph hyponeural hyponeuston hyponome hyponomic hyponym hy¬pop(i)al hypoparatype hypophare hypopharyngeal hypopharynx hypophragm hypopi hypoplasia hypoplax hypopleurite hypopleuron hypoploid hypopneustic hypopolyploid hypoptera hypoptere hypoptygma hypopus hypopygial hypopygium hyposcleritic hypostasis hypostegal hypostegia hypostigmatic hypostoma hypostomal hypostome hypostracum hyposulculus hypothesis hypotome hypotype hypovalvae hypozygal hysteresis hysterodehiscence hysterosoma hysterotely hystrichoglossate hyther H-zone

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