Parasitology, Harold W. Manter Laboratory of


Harold W. Manter Laboratory of Parasitology: Faculty and Staff Publications

Document Type


Date of this Version

December 1973


Originally published by the Association of Systematics Collections (1973)= Natural Science Collections Alliance (2008). Used by permission.


American systematics collections: A national plan. Developed by a stellar group of biologists including David Wake and Peter Raven, this plan called for action by the systematics community. The estimate of needs in 1973 called for about 63 million USD for the next five years just to keep the US National Collections from disintegrating and to get them in shape to mount the huge effort needed to fully inventory the biota of the earth (a plan that was not even dreamed of until about the year 1995).

A report to the nation's systematics collections community, and includes a National Plan for the recognition and development of systematics collections as an important national resource in the United States. The report states the goals of the systematics collections community, and documents the importance of systematics collections to science, society, and education. The problems of the systematics collections community are identified and discussed. Recommendations are presented that, if implemented, could permit the systematics collections community to achieve its goals; the recommendations are reiterated within a framework of priorities. Estimated new support required by the systematics collections community for only the next five years is $63,217,920.

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Parasitology Commons
