Parasitology, Harold W. Manter Laboratory of


Date of this Version



Manuscript, 1976.


Used by permission of the authors.


While working on the parasites of several California marine fish, it was difficult to find out which parasites had been reported from our fish. Pertinent sources were scattered over a number of journals, covering many years. We compiled this list because we felt there was a need for a single source which would give all the parasites infecting California marine fish. As "marine fish" was a somewhat vague term, we decided to use it in a broad sense and included estuarine and anadromous fish in the survey. In addition, we have included records from landlocked populations of anadromous fish, such as Salmo gairdneri, the rainbow trout and S. clarki, the cutthroat trout. We also have cited out of state parasite records for California fish. This has greatly increased the number of records but has added to the value of this work.

This is a first draft of what we hope will be a more widely disseminated work. We invite comments and criticism and hope that workers will submit new records, either from unpublished or overlooked published material.
