Parasitology, Harold W. Manter Laboratory of


Date of this Version



Proceedings of the Helminthological Society of Washington, v. 47, no.2 (1980)


Used by permission


According to the original description of Diandrya composita Darrah, 1930 (the type and only species of the Nearctic genus Diandrya Darrah, 1930) , this cestode would possess a combination of organs, the "interproglottidal glands" and "pedunculated prostate glands," otherwise unknown in any member of the Anoplocephalidae. Neither of these organs is present in D. composita . This species is redescribed and the generic diagnosis is emended accordingly. Diandrya composita has its closest affinities with cestodes of the genus Andrya Railliet, 1893, from which it differs significantly only in reduplication of the reproductive organs.

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