Parasitology, Harold W. Manter Laboratory of


Concepts in Animal Parasitology Textbook

Date of this Version


Document Type



Concepts in Animal Parasitology. 2024. Scott L. Gardner and Sue Ann Gardner, editors. Zea Books, Lincoln, Nebraska, United States

Part III: Endoparasitic Platyhelminths, chapters 1-8, pages 1-104

Part I doi: 10.32873/unl.dc.ciap071


License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0


Part I: Introductory Concepts, chapters 1-8, pages 1-104, in Concepts in Animal Parasitology. 2024. Scott L. Gardner and Sue Ann Gardner, editors. Zea Books, Lincoln, Nebraska, United States; part I doi: 10.32873/unl.dc.ciap071

Introductory Concepts

Chapter 1: Introduction to Animal Parasitology by Scott L. Gardner, Daniel R. Brooks, and Klaus Rohde, pages 1-15

Chapter 2: Phylogenetic Systematics in Parasitology by Anindo Choudhury, pages 16-32

Chapter 3: Helminth Identification and Diagnostics: Basic Molecular Techniques by Anindo Choudhury and Scott L. Gardner, pages 33-38

Parasites in Relation to Other Organisms

Chapter 4: Hosts, Reservoirs, and Vectors by Matthew G. Bolek, Kyle D. Gustafson, and Gabriel J. Langford, pages 39-46

Chapter 5:Life Cycles by Matthew G. Bolek, Kyle D. Gustafson, and Gabriel J. Langford, pages 47-61

Chapter 6: Behavioral Parasitology by Megan R. Wise de Valdez, pages 62-82

Parascript Approaches

Chapter 7: Biostatistics for Parasitologists: A Painless Introductionby Jenő Reiczigel, Marco Marozzi, Fábián Ibolya, and Lajos Rózsa, pages 83-91

Chapter 8: Distributional Ecology of Parasites A. Townsend Peterson, pages 92-104
