Department of Physics and Astronomy: Publications and Other Research


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Published by IEEE; IEEE Trans. Magn. 38, No. 5, 2973-2975 (2002). ©2002 IEEE. Permission to use.


An effort has been made to improve the coercivity of nanocomposite Nd10Fe82C6B2 alloys, using small amounts (up to 1 at%) of Cr, Ti, Nb, Zr, and Ga. X-ray studies revealed that the amount of –Fe phase in both as-spun and annealed ribbons was significantly reduced for Nb and Zr substitutions, but increased for all the other substitutions. From the magnetic properties point of view, Zr (1 at%) was proven to be the most advantageous of all, since it increased the coercivity of annealed ribbons from 3.2 to 4.8 kOe and the maximum energy product from 5.8 to 13 MGOe. This improvement is associated with the much finer and more uniform microstructure as was revealed by transmission electron microscopy.

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