Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education


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To Improve the Academy, published by The Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network in Higher Education, volume 2, 1983.


License: CC BY-NC-ND


A curriculum for change in higher education emerged during the 1970's which emphasizes, in the tradition of the three "R's", a course of study called reexamination, revitalization, renewal, retraining, and retirement, along with retrenchment. All of these exhortations calling on our institutions to reexamine, revitalize, renew, retrain, retrench, and retire have been operationalized in a process called faculty development which, in its best sense, recognizes that faculty members are the fulcrum for change in any educational institution. Change faculty and you change the nature of higher education. I suggest that the transitions that higher education institutions are making during this decade are either tolerable or intolerable, productive or destructive, in large manner as a result of the way faculty members are able to have some control over the factors that influence change in their institutions, and over the institutional responses which are made to confront the need to change.
