To Improve the Academy: A Journal of Educational Development | Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education | University of Nebraska - Lincoln
To Improve the Academy: A Journal of Educational Development (TIA) is the flagship peer-reviewed publication of the Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education (POD Network). TIA, an open-access, electronic journal, is focused on faculty, graduate student and professional student, instructional, professional, and organizational development. TIA publishes two issues annually, with occasional special issues responsive to the profession and moment.

Online ISSN: 2334-4822

License: CC BY-NC-ND




Developing Critical Literacy: An Urgent Goal, Victoria Appatova and Alice Horning


Infusion Rather than Isolation: Integrating Principles of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Decolonization, and Indigenization in Toolkits for Remote Instruction during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Robin Attas, Lauren Anstey, Lindsey Brant, and Karalyn McRae


A Collaborative Model for Faculty Development: Helping Faculty Develop Inclusive Teaching Practices, Christina Bifulco and Christopher Drue


A Mixed Methods Study of Faculty Experiences in a Course Design Institute, Carie N. Cardamone and Heather Dwyer


Exploring the Impact of Student-Faculty Partnership Program at a Hispanic Serving Institution, Alyssa Guadalupe Cavazos, Lesley Chapa, and Javier Cavazos-Vela


Managing Programmatic Trade-offs for Centers of Teaching and Learning: Applying a Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning Approach to Pedagogical Offerings, Christopher Vicente Hsin-Hung S. Chen, Ian G. Althouse, Caitlin P. DeClercq, and Mark L. Phillipson


Meanings of Community: Educational Developers Experience Care, Satisfying Contributions, and Belonging in a Collaboration across Institutions, Thomas M. Colclough, William J. Howitz, Daniel Mann, Katherine Kearns, and Darren S. Hoffmann


Evidencing the Value of Educational Development: Charting a Course on the Waves and Winds of Change, Jovan Groen, Carolyn Hoessler, Carolyn Ives, Veronica Bamber, Corinne Laverty, and Klodiana Kolomitro


Purpose, Place, and People: How the Pandemic Helped Foster Open and Inclusive Course Design, Benjamin K. Haywood, Diane E. Boyd, and John A. McArthur


Managing for Agility in Constant Change: HR Strategies for Teaching Center Leaders, Carolyn Hoessler, Donna E. Ellis, and Bob Bayles


Designing Programs to Prepare Future Faculty for Academic Careers: Insights from a Longitudinal Case Study of a Multidisciplinary Cohort-based Program Model for Doctoral Students, Laura A. Lukes, Lamis M. Ibrahim, and Laurence Bray


An Exploration of Trauma-inclusive Pedagogy and Students’ Perceptions of Academic Success, R. Jason Lynch and Krista Wojdak


Correction Notice for "Practical Guidelines for Development of a University-wide Faculty Mentorship Program Using a Multimodal Mentoring Network Model" by Matthew G. Schwartz (To Improve the Academy, 2023, Vol. 42, No. 1), Michael S. Palmer and Lindsay Wheeler


Impacts of Campus Disruption on Educational Developers’ Role-identity and Teamwork, William V. Pilny, Benjamin Brock, and Stephanie Laggini Fiore


Practical Guidelines for Development of a University-wide Faculty Mentorship Program Using a Multimodal Mentoring Network Model, Matthew G. Schwartz


The Value of Process in Racial Equity Work: Reflections from a Faculty Learning Community, Emily R. Shamash, Julie Berrett-Abebe, LaTasha Smith, Stephanie Storms, Michael Regan, Jocelyn Novella, Laurie L. Grupp, Emily Smith, and Alyson Martin


Facing Wicked Problems during a Pandemic and Beyond: A Case Study in Using Design Thinking for CTL Development and Growth, Jenna Pack Sheffield and Devon Moore


Cultivating Capacity with a Mentoring Guild: Constellations Continued, Tracy W. Smith, Jennifer R. Luetkemeyer, Rachel Wilson, Aftynne E. Cheek, and Denise Brewer


Designing for Impact: The Center for Teaching and Learning as a Cultivator of a Faculty Learner-Leader Praxis, Monica Stitt-Bergh, Debra Fowler, Jonan Phillip Donaldson, Ra'sheedah Richardson, Truth Hunter, and Clinton A. Patterson


Learning Communities Promote Pedagogical Metacognition in Higher Education Faculty, Audrey J. Tocco, Lauren A. Mehrhoff, Haley M. Osborn, Lyda F. McCartin, and Molly M. Jameson


Writing Communities to (Re-)engage Faculty: The U See I Write Initiative, Ilona S. Yim, Nina Bandelj, Olga V. Razorenova, and Peiyi Wang



Coda: A Wicked Problems Mindset for Educational Development, Randall Bass


Professionalization and the Forgotten System: Observed Practices and Perceptions at the Intersection of Informal and Formal Faculty Development, Janie Brennan, Todd Fernandez, and Joe Tranquillo


Reflections on Pedagogical Practice and Development through Multidisciplinary Triadic Peer Mentorship, Nicole Charles, Nathalie Moon, and Andrew P. Dicks


Caring for Our Communities of Practice in Educational Development, Christopher V. H.-H. Chen, Katherine Kearns, Lynn Eaton, Darren S. Hoffmann, Denise Leonard, and Martin Samuels


Fellow Travelers: Taking Stock of Faculty Fellows Programs in the Age of Organizational Development, Susan A. Colby, Laura Cruz, Danielle Cordaro, and Clare Cruz


Wicked²: The Increasing Wickedness of Educational Developers as DEI Cultural Influencers, Lauri Dietz, China M. Jenkins, Laura Cruz, Amber Handy, Rita Kumar, Rita Kumar, Julia metzger, and Ian Norris


Building Resilience in CTLs: Reflections on Practice, Lisa J. Hatfield, Julie Maxson, Jennifer Marshall Shinaberger, Hanna E. Norton, Cynthia (Cia) H. DeMartino, Annette Finley-Crosswhite, and Gigi Gokcek


Data-driven Iterative Refinements to Educational Development Services: Directly Measuring the Impacts of Consultations on Course and Syllabus Design, Chad Hershock, Laura Ochs Pottmeyer, Jessica Harrell, Sophie le Blanc, Marisella Rodriguez, Jacqueline Stimson, Katherine Phelps Walsh, and Emily Daniels Weiss


Contexts for Agency: A Framework for Managing Educational Development Work, Kathleen Landy, Anna L. Bostwick Flaming, Suzanne Tapp, and Eric C. Kaldor


Beyond Backward Design, or, By the End of This Article, You Should Be Able to Imagine Some Alternatives to Learning Objectives, Michael McCreary


A Case Study in Teaching Inclusive Teaching, Zitsi Mirakhur, Christopher Chen, and Sarah Schwarz


MegaSoTL: Supporting Pedagogical Research across Multiple Institutions, Sara Nasrollahian Mojarad and Laura Cruz


Transforming Departmental Culture: Empowering a Department through Appreciative Inquiry, Symphony D. Oxendine, Kerry K. Robinson, and Michele A. Parker


Centering Black Women Faculty: Magnifying Powerful Voices, Christen Priddie, Dajanae Palmer, Samantha Silberstein, and Allison BrckaLorenz


Taking Teaching and Learning Seriously: Approaching Wicked Consciousness through Collaboration and Partnership, Adam H. Smith, Laurie L. Grupp, Lindsay Doukopoulos, John C. Foo, Barbara J. Rodriguez, Janel Seeley, Linda M. Boland, and Laurel L. Hester


How Search Committees Assess Teaching: Lessons for CTLs, Katharine Phelps Walsh, Laura Ochs Pottmeyer, Deborah Meizlish, and Chad Hershock


Toward Institutionalizing Successful Innovations in the Academy, Sarah B. Wise, Courtney Ngai, Joel Christopher Corbo, Mark A. Gammon, Jaclyn K. Rivard, and Clara E. Smith



What Really Matters for Instructors Implementing Equitable and Inclusive Teaching Approaches, Tracie Marcella Addy, Philip M. Reeves, Derek Dube, and Khadijah A. Mitchell


Supporting Faculty as Writers and Teachers: An Integrative Approach to Educational Development, Jennifer Ahern-Dodson and Monique Dufour


Preparing the Next Generation of Institutional Leaders: Strategic Supports for Mid-Career Faculty, Vicki Baker and Caroline Manning


Implementation Plans for Course Redesigns: An Exploration of Identified Strategies, Rebecca Campbell and Benjamin Blankenship


How a Small Teaching Center Made a Big Impact During the Pandemic Crises, J. A. Carter, Bradford Mallory, Brenda Refaei, and Ruth Benander


Where Are the Students in Efforts for Inclusive Excellence? Two Approaches to Positioning Students as Critical Partners for Inclusive Pedagogical Practices, Alison Cook-Sather, Tracie Marcella Addy, Anna DeVault, and Nicole Livitskiy


Leveraging Collaboration and Peer Support to Initiate and Sustain a Faculty Development Program, Anneris Coria-Navia and Scott Moncrieff


Place-based Educational Development: What Center for Teaching and Learning Spaces Look Like (and Why That Matters), Laura Cruz, Karen Huxtable-Jester, Brian Smentkowski, and Martin Springborg


In Search of Silver Linings: Strategies for Preparing Future Faculty During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Tazin Daniels, Elizabeth Bailey, and Anoff Nicholas Cobblah


How a Flexible Teaching “Camp” Answered Our Pandemic Teaching Emergency, Patricia Dineen


Motivation to “Keep Pushin’”: Insights into Faculty Development Facilitating Inclusive Pedagogy, Kelly Erby, Melanie Burdick, Sandra Winn Tutwiler, and Dan Petersen


Transcending Adversity: Trauma-Informed Educational Development, Mays Imad


Growing Pains (and Opportunities): Launching a Center for Teaching and Learning During a Global Pandemic, Johanna Inman


Holding Tight to Our Convictions and Lightly to Our Ways: Inviting Shared Expertise as a Strategy for Expanding Inclusion, Reach, and Impact, Kylie Korsnack and Leslie Ortquist-Ahrens


Finding Our Voice: Highly Flexible ED for the HyFlex World, Kristine Larsen, Cristina Robinson, Jason A. Melnyk, Jennifer Nicoletti, Amy Gagnon, Kelly McLaughlin, and Mina Hussaini


Fractal Reflection: Cultivating Community and Meaning in Times of Crises, Deandra Little, Joshua Caulkins, Eric C. Kaldor, and Lindsay Wheeler


Rebuilding a Teaching Conference in a Pandemic: User-Centered Guiding Principles and Lessons Learned, Laura A. Lukes and E. Shelley Reid


Beyond Instructional Development: An Exploration of Using Formal Pedagogy Training to Benefit Perceived Quality of Life and Sense of Community in Graduate Students, Matthew Mahavongtrakul, Ashley Hooper, Daniel Mann, and Brian Sato


An Efficient and Coherent Pipeline for Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Scholar Educational Development, Daniel Mann, Matthew Mahavongtrakul, and Ashley Hooper


Longitudinal Impact of Faculty Participation in a Course Design Institute (CDI): Faculty Motivation and Perception of Expectancy, Value, and Cost, Cara Meixner, Melissa Altman, Megan Good, and Elizabeth Ben Ward


Discomfort and Other Factors that Influence the Effectiveness of Graduate Student Peer Consultations, Mark W. Pleiss and Krisztina Erzsebet Dearborn


Focus on Outcomes: Fostering Systemic Departmental Improvements, Daniel L. Reinholz, Mary E. Pilgrim, Amelia Stone-Johnson, Karen Falkenburg, Christopher Geanious, Courtney Ngai, Joel Christopher Corbo, and Sarah B. Wise


Cultivating an Institutional Culture that Values Teaching: Developing a Repository of Effective Practices, Lindsay Shaw, Jill Grose, Erika Kustra, Lori Goff, Donna Ellis, and Paola Borin


What Happens When You Close the Door on Remote Proctoring? Moving Toward Authentic Assessments with a People-Centered Approach, Sarah Silverman, Autumn Caines, Christopher Casey, Belen Garcia de Hurtado, Jessica Riviere, Alfonso Sintjago, and Carla Vecchiola


#iteachmsu: Centering an Educator Learning Community (ELC), Erik Skogsberg, Makena Neal, Melissa McDaniels, Madeline Shellgren, and Patricia Stewart


Constellations of Support: A Community Development Model, Tracy Smith and Melba Spooner



What's the Problem Now?, Randall Bass


Editor's Note, Lindsay Bernhagen


Leveraging the Power of Course Redesign For Student Success, Rebecca Campbell and Benjamin B. Blankenship


A Mandatory Faculty Diversity Workshop: Does It Work?, Heather Dwyer and Joya Smith


Development of a Faculty Appreciation of Pedagogy Scale, Carol A. Hurney, Jordan D. Troisi, and Lori H. Leaman


Motivations and Obstacles Influencing Faculty Engagement in Adopting Teaching Innovations, Wayne Jacobson and Renee Cole


Tell Me More About Alex: Helping Instructors Uncover and Mitigate Their Implicit Biases, Cait S. Kirby and Heather N. Fedesco


Cultivating and Sustaining a Faculty Culture of Data-Driven Teaching and Learning: A Systems Approach, Marsha Lovett and Chad Hershock


Assessment Literacy in College Teaching: Empirical Evidence on the Role and Effectiveness of a Faculty Training Course, Kyle D. Massey, Christopher DeLuca, and Danielle LaPointe-McEwan


(Cultural) Taxation Without Representation? How educational Developer Can Broker Discourse on Black Faculty Lives in the #BlackLivesMatter Era, Richard J. Reddick, Beth E. Bukoski, and Stella L. Smith


The Experiences of Non-Tenure-Track Faculty Members of Color with Racism in the Classroom, Ryan Rideau and Claire K. Robbins


Impostor Phenomenon in Educational Developers: Consequences and Coping Strategies, Kristin J. Rudenga and Emily O. Gravett


“Am I Really Good Enough?”: Black and Latinx Experiences with Faculty Development, Sylk Santiago-Sotto


Students Helping Students Provide Valuable Feedback on Course Evaluations, Adriana Signorini, Mariana Abuan, Gautam Panakkal, and Sandy Dorantes


Building a Social Network around SoTL through Digital Space, Shannon M. Sipes, Samy L. Minix, and Matt Barton


Motivated Reasoning and Persuading Faculty Change in Teaching, Gary A. Smith


The Diffusion of Faculty Development: A Faculty Fellows Program, Tracy W. Smith, Sara J. Greenwald, Lillian Y. Nave, Victor N. Mansure, and Michael L. Howell


Teaching Certificate Redesign: Making a Flexible Program for Future Faculty, Kate Z. Williams, Lauren E. Margulieux, and G. David Lawrence



A Framework for the Strategic Leveraging of Outside Resources to Enhance CTL Effectiveness, Thomas M. Brinthaupt, Laura Cruz, Sheila Otto, and Mike Pinter


The SoTL Scaffold: Supporting Evidence-Based Teaching Practice in Educational Development, Laura Cruz, Kathryn Cunningham, Brian Smentkowski, and Hillary Steiner


The Fearless Teaching Framework: A Model to Synthesize Foundational Education Research for University Instructors, Alice E. Donlan, Sandra M. Loughlin, and Virginia L. Byrne


Finding a Fulcrum: Positioning Ourselves to Leverage Change, Laurie L. Grupp and Deandra Little


Impostor Phenomenon in Educational Developers, Kristin J. Rudenga and Emily O. Gravett


Wiser Together: Sustaining Teaching Excellence with a Self-Study/Critical Friend, Tracy W. Smith and Leslie U. Bradbury


Broaching Threshold Concepts: The Trouble with “Skills” Language in Defining Student Learning Goals, Angela J. Zito



Toward Learning and Justice, Through Love, Isis Artze-Vega


The Idea of Educational Development: An Historical Perspective, Laura Cruz


The Chakra System as a Framework for Holistic Educational Development, Michele DiPietro


Changing the Lens: The Role of Reframing in Educational Development, Donna E. Ellis


Is SoTL a Signature Pedagogy of Educational Development?, Peter Felten and Nancy Chick


Ways of Doing: Feminist Educational Development, Emily O. Gravett and Lindsay Bernhagen


Publish & Flourish: Helping Scholars Become Better, More Prolific Writers, Tara Gray, Laura Madson, and Michelle Jackson


From the Editors: The One Thing: A Pluralistic Approach to Research and Practice, Gary Hawkins and Brian Smentkowski


Equity-Minded Faculty Development, Aeron Haynie


Seeking and Doing Justice Through Educational Development, Wayne Jacobson


Seven Voices, Seven Developers, Seven One Things that Guide Our Practice, Frances Kalu, Patti Dyjur, Carol Berenson, Kimberley A. Grant, Cheryl Jeffs, Natasha Kenny, and Robin Mueller