Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education


Date of this Version


Document Type



To Improve the Academy: A Journal of Educational Development (2001) 19;


License: CC BY-NC-ND


This essay presents research knowledge regarding the main dimensions of effective teaching in higher education, concentrating on clarity in teaching and its components—classroom behaviors and strategies that promote clear teaching. On this basis, I suggest arranging all dimensions and classroom strategies of effective teaching within a logical structure of interconnected teaching behaviors whose contribution to student learning is based on theory and research. The model organizes all dimensions and strategies of effective teaching in three hierarchical levels and is illustrated by successively breaking down clarity in teaching into intermediate dimensions and classroom behaviors and strategies. The model may help faculty understand how classroom strategies work—how they contribute to the higher dimensions of effective teaching, and eventually to student learning. In this way, understanding the model may promote faculty knowledge of and motivation for adopting and using effective strategies in teaching, and their perception of teaching as a scientific activity rather than a disorganized and random collection of isolated techniques with no scientific rationale and structure.
