"The Effects of Teaching a Summary Skills Strategy to Students Identifi" by J. Ron Nelson, Deborah J. Smith et al.

Department of Special Education and Communication Disorders


Department of Special Education and Communication Disorders: Faculty Publications

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Date of this Version



Published in EDUCATION AND TREATMENT OF CHILDREN Vol. 15, No. 3, August 1992, Pages 228-243. Copyright 1992 Pressley Ridge School.


The effects of a summary skills learning strategy on the comprehension of science text were examined with 5 elementary-age urban minority special education students in a summer remedial program. The program's effect on the overall completeness of the students' written summaries and the maintenance of the strategy also were examined. Following baseline, the summary skills strategy was introduced in both group and individual reading settings according to a multiple baseline across settings design. Student performance was assessed in both setting, and maintenance was probed at 4 weeks in the individual reading setting. The strategy produced clear improvement in the comprehension of science text, which was associated with similar improvements in the completeness of the written summaries. The students reported that the summary skills strategy was effective for helping them understand science text. Furthermore, a group of 15 general education elementary school teachers thought that the strategy was effective and that it would be easy to implement.

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