Department of Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education


Document Type


Date of this Version

December 2000


Published in Interchange, 31:4 (2000), pp. 369–383. © Kluwer Academic Publishers. Used by permission. The original publication is available at


Aesthetic considerations are qualitative, personal, and value laden and do not fi t well into existing educational frameworks. Yet, I think greater aesthetic awareness is a pragmatic and philosophical necessity missing in much schooling. An aesthetic context calls for a rethinking and revaluing of what is educationally important. Th is paper explores such possibilities along with the concrete implications of taking aesthetic considerations seriously, within a school setting. Opened in September, 1997, the Creative Arts Centre, Milton Williams School, Calgary Board of Education, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, has chosen to value the creating process, primary to the arts, within the school curriculum as a whole. It seems an ideal situation in which to pursue connections between curriculum theory, practice, and the aesthetic.
