"Repellency of Aqueous Solutions of Boric Acid and Polybor 3 to House " by Jerome Hogsette and Philip Koehler

U.S. Department of Agriculture: Agricultural Research Service, Lincoln, Nebraska


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Date of this Version



J. Econ. Entomol. 87(4): 1033-1037 (1994)


Mixed-sex 3- to Sod-old adult house flies, Musca domestica (L.), were exposed in nonchoice, choice, and consumption tests to increasing levels of boric acid and polybor formulated in 10% sucrose to test for repellent effects. Results of nonchoice and choice tests suggested repellency to high levels of both borates. Consumption decreased at levels >2.25% boric acid and 3.0% polybor, with approximate intake of 0.102 and 0.161 mg of boron, respectively. Our results indicate that 2.25% boric acid and 3.0% polybor are optimal treatment levels.
