U.S. Department of Agriculture: Agricultural Research Service, Lincoln, Nebraska
United States Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service / University of Nebraska-Lincoln: Faculty Publications
Relationship Between Socking Rate and Production of Stocker Hybrid Tilapia and Water Quality in a Mixtotrophic Biofloc System, Bartholomew W. Green, Steven D. Rawles, Candis L. Ray, and Matthew E. McEntire
Perennializing Marginal Croplands: Going Back to the Future to Mitigate Climate Change with Resilient Biobased Feedstocks, Salvador Ramirez II, Marty R. Schmer, Virginia L. Jin, Robert B. Mitchell, Catherine E. Stewart, Jay Parsons, Daren D. Redfearn, John J. Quinn, Gary E. Varvel, Kenneth P. Vogel, and Ronald F. Follett
Effect of Dietary Phytase on Water and Fecal Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Microbiomes in a Hybrid Tilapia (Oreochromis aureus x O. niloticus) Mixotrophic Biofloc Production System, Candis L. Ray, Jason Abernathy, Bartholomew Green, Adam Rivers, Kevin Schrader, Steven Rawles, Matthew McEntire, Miles Lange, and Carl Webster
Invasive annual grasses—Reenvisioning approaches in a changing climate, David Archer; David Toledo; Dana M. Blumenthal; Justin Derner; USDA ARS Burns, Oregon; Kirk Davies; Erik Hamerlynck; Roger Sheley; Pat Clark; Fred Pierson; Charlie Clements; Beth Newingham; Brian Rector; John Gaskin; Carissa L. Wonkka; Kevin Jensen; Tom Monaco; Lance T. Vermeire; and Stephen L. Young
First draft genome and transcriptome of Cercosporidium personatum, causal agent of late leaf spot disease of peanut, Renee Arias, John T. Dobbs, Jane E. Stewart, Emily G. Cantonwine, Valerie A. Omer, Victor S. Sobolev, Marshall C. Lamb, and Alicia Massa
First draft genome of Thecaphora frezii, causal agent of peanut smut disease, Renee S. Arias, Cinthia Conforto, Valerie A. Orner, Edgardo J. Carloni, Juan H. Soave, Alicia N. Massa, Marshall C. Lamb, Nelson Bernardi-Lima, and Alejandro M. Rago
Climate and pest interactions pose a cross-landscape management challenge to soil and water conservation, Joshua W. Campbell, Michael R. Fulcher, Brenda J. Grewell, and Stephen L. Young
Enhancing adaptation of tropical maize to temperate environments using genomic selection, Nicole E. Choquette, Teclemariam Weldekidan, Jason Brewer, Scott B. Davis, Randall J. Wisser, and James B. Holland
Optimal stomatal theory predicts CO2 responses of stomatal conductance in both gymnosperm and angiosperm trees, Anna Gardner, Mingkai Jiang, David S. Ellsworth, A. Robert MacKenzie, Jeremy Pritchard, Martin Karl Friedrich Bader, Craig V.M. Barton, Carl Bernacchi, Carlo Calfapietra, Kristine Y. Crous, Mirindi Eric Dusenge, Teresa E. Gimeno, Marianne Hall, Shubhangi Lamba, Sebastian Leuzinger, Johan Uddling, Jeffrey Warren, Göran Wallin, and Belinda E. Medlyn
Performance of Phytase-Treated Fishmeal-Free and All-Plant Protein Diets in Pond Production of Market Sized Hybrid Striped Bass, Bartholomew W. Green, Steven D. Rawles, T. Gibson Gaylord, Kevin K. Schrader, Matthew E. McEntire, and Carl D. Webster
Intensification differentially affects the delivery of multiple ecosystem services in subtropical and temperate grasslands, Shishir Paudel, Nuria Gomez-Casanovas, Elizabeth H. Boughton, Samuel D. Chamberlain, Pradeep Wagle, Brekke L. Peterson, Rajen Bajgain, Patrick J. Starks, Jefferey Basara, Carl J. Bernacchi, Evan H. DeLucia, Laura E. Goodman, Prasanna H. Gowda, Ryan Reuter, Jed P. Sparks, Hilary M. Swain, Xiangming Xiao, and Jean L. Steiner
Leaf, plant, to canopy: A mechanistic study on aboveground plasticity and plant density within a maize–soybean intercrop system for the Midwest, USA, Elena A. Pelech, Jochem B. Evers, Taylor L. Pederson, David W. Drag, Peng Fu, and Carl J. Bernacchi
Two QTLs govern the resistance to Sclerotinia minor in an interspecific peanut RIL population, Melina H. Rosso, Francisco J. de Blas, Alicia N. Massa, Claudio Oddino, Damian F. Giordano, Jose G. Seijo, Renee S. Arias, Juan H. Soave, Sara J. Soave, Mario I. Buteler, and Marina Bressano
Phytase Supplemented Diets Do Not Reduce the Abundance of Cyanobacteria and Common Offflavor Compounds in Hybrid Striped Bass (Morone chrysops x M. saxatilis) Aquaculture Ponds, Kevin K. Schrader, Bartholmew W. Green, Steven D. Rawles, and Matthew E. McEntire
The Impact of Crop Rotation and Spatially Varying Crop Parameters in the E3SM Land Model (ELMv2), Eva Sinha, Ben Bond-Lamberty, Katherine V. Calvin, Beth A. Drewniak, Gautam Bisht, Carl Bernacchi, Bethany J. Blakely, and Caitlin E. Moore
Modeling Perennial Bioenergy Crops in the E3SM Land Model (ELMv2), Eva Sinha, Katherine V. Calvin, Ben Bond-Lamberty, Beth A. Drewniak, Daniel M. Ricciuto, Khachik Sargsyan, Yanyan Cheng, Carl Bernacchi, and Caitlin E. Moore
Agricultural Research Service Weed Science Research: Past, Present, and Future, Stephen L. Young, James V. Anderson, Scott R. Baerson, Joanna Bajsa-Hirschel, Dana M. Blumenthal, Chad S. Boyd, Clyde D. Boyette, Eric B. Brennan, Charles L. Cantrell, Wun S. Chao, Joanne C. Chee-Sanford, Charlie D. Clements, F. Allen Dray, Stephen O. Duke, Kayla M. Eason, Reginald S. Fletcher, Michael R. Fulcher, Brenda J. Grewell, Erik P. Hamerlynck, Robert E. Hoagland, David P. Horvath, Eugene P. Law, Daniel E. Martin, Clint Mattox, Steven B. Mirsky, Patrick J. Moran, Rebecca C. Mueller, Vijay K. Nandula, Beth A. Newingham, Zhiqiang Pan, Lauren M. Porensky, Paul D. Pratt, Andrew J. Price, Brian G. Rector, Krishna N. Reddy, Roger L. Sheley, Lincoln Smith, Melissa C. Smith, Keirith A. Snyder, and Matthew A. Tancos
Federal agency perspectives and funding opportunities for weed and invasive plant research, Stephen L. Young, James J. Kells, and Vijay K. Nandula
Carbon-sensitive pedotransfer functions for plant available water, Dianna K. Bagnall, Cristine L.S. Morgan, Michael Cope, Gregory M. Bean, Shannon Cappellazzi, Kelsey Greub, Daniel Liptzin, Charlotte L. Norris, Elizabeth Rieke, Paul Tracy, Ezra Aberle, Amanda Ashworth, Oscar Bañuelos Tavarez, Andy Bary, R. Louis Baumhardt, Alberto Borbón Gracia, Daniel Brainard, Jameson Brennan, Dolores Briones Reyes, Darren Bruhjell, Cameron Carlyle, James Crawford, Cody Creech, Steven Culman, William Deen, Curtis Dell, Justin Derner, Thomas Ducey, Sjoerd Willem Duiker, Miles Dyck, Benjamin Ellert, Martin Entz, Avelino Espinosa Solorio, Steven J. Fonte, Simon Fonteyne, Ann Marie Fortuna, Jamie Foster, Lisa Fultz, Audrey V. Gamble, and Charles Geddes
Patch-Burn Grazing Impacts Forage Resources in Subtropical Humid Grazing Lands, Elizabeth H. Boughton, Nuria Gomez-Casanovas, Hilary Swain, Carl Bernacchi, Raoul K. Boughton, Keith Brinsko, Haoyu Li, Alan Rivero, Evan H. DeLucia, and Jed Sparks
Alternative pathway to photorespiration protects growth and productivity at elevated temperatures in a model crop, Amanda P. Cavanagh, Paul F. South, Carl J. Bernacchi, and Donald R. Ort
Environment-specific selection alters flowering-time plasticity and results in pervasive pleiotropic responses in maize, Nicole E. Choquette, James B. Holland, Teclemariam Weldekidan, Justine Drouault, Natalia de Leon, Sherry Flint-Garcia, Nick Lauter, Seth C. Murray, Wenwei Xu, and Randall J. Wisser
Steroidal saponin concentrations in switchgrass cultivars Liberty and Independence in North America, Andrea K. Clemensen, Stephen T. Lee, Robert B. Mitchell, Marty R. Schmer, and Steven D. Masterson
Drought imprints on crops can reduce yield loss: Nature's insights for food security, Peng Fu, Deepak Jaiswal, Justin M. McGrath, Shaowen Wang, Stephen P. Long, and Carl J. Bernacchi
Advances in field-based high-throughput photosynthetic phenotyping, Peng Fu, Christopher M. Montes, Matthew H. Siebers, Nuria Gomez-Casanovas, Justin M. McGrath, Elizabeth A. Ainsworth, and Carl J. Bernacchi
Fertilizer Use in Aquaculture, Bartholomew W. Green
Evaluation of Settling Chamber Hydraulic Retention Time in a Sunshine Bass Biofloc Production System, Bartholomew W. Green and Candis L. Ray
Removal of redox-sensitive Rubisco Activase does not alter Rubisco regulation in soybean, Christopher M. Harvey, Amanda P. Cavanagh, Sang Yeol Kim, David A. Wright, Ron G. Edquilang, Kayla S. Shreeves, Juan Alejandro Perdomo, Martin H. Spalding, Donald R. Ort, Carl J. Bernacchi, and Steven C. Huber
Predicting spatial-temporal patterns of diet quality and large herbivore performance using satellite time series, Sean P. Kearney, Lauren M. Porensky, David J. Augustine, Justin D. Derner, and Feng Gao
Development of a data-assimilation system to forecast agricultural systems: A case study of constraining soil water and soil nitrogen dynamics in the APSIM model, Marissa S. Kivi, Bethany Blakely, Michael Masters, Carl J. Bernacchi, Fernando E. Miguez, and Hamze Dokoohaki
Predicting biochemical acclimation of leaf photosynthesis in soybean under in-field canopy warming using hyperspectral reflectance, Etsushi Kumagai, Charles H. Burroughs, Taylor L. Pederson, Christopher M. Montes, Bin Peng, Hyungsuk Kimm, Kaiyu Guan, Elizabeth A. Ainsworth, and Carl J. Bernacchi
Corn Nitrogen Nutrition Index Prediction Improved by Integrating Genetic, Environmental, and Management Factors with Active Canopy Sensing Using Machine Learning, Dan Li, Yuxin Miao, Curtis J. Ransom, Gregory Mac Bean, Newell R. Kitchen, Fabián G. Fernández, John E. Sawyer, James J. Camberato, Paul R. Carter, Richard B. Ferguson, David W. Franzen, Carrie A.M. Laboski, Emerson D. Nafziger, and John F. Shanahan
High-throughput characterization, correlation, and mapping of leaf photosynthetic and functional traits in the soybean (Glycine max) nested association mapping population, Christopher M. Montes, Carolyn Fox, Álvaro Sanz-Sáez, Shawn P. Serbin, Etsushi Kumagai, Matheus D. Krause, Alencar Xavier, James E. Specht, William D. Beavis, Carl J. Bernacchi, Brian W. Diers, and Elizabeth A. Ainsworth
Substantial carbon loss respired from a corn-soybean agroecosystem highlights the importance of careful management as we adapt to changing climate, Caitlin E. Moore, Christy D. Gibson, Guofang Miao, Evan C. Dracup, Nuria Gomez-Casanovas, Michael D. Masters, Jesse Miller, Adam C Von Haden, Tilden Meyers, Evan H. Delucia, and Carl J. Bernacchi
A generalist–specialist trade-off between switchgrass cytotypes impacts climate adaptation and geographic range, Joseph D. Napier, Paul P. Grabowski, John T. Lovell, Jason Bonnette, Sujan Mamidi, Maria Jose Gomez-Hughes, Acer VanWallendael, Xiaoyu Weng, Lori H. Handley, Min K. Kim, Arvid R. Boe, Philip A. Fay, Felix B. Fritschi, Julie D. Jastrow, John Lloyd-Reilley, David B. Lowry, Roser Matamala, Robert B. Mitchell, Francis M. Rouquette, Yanqi Wu, Jenell Webber, Teresa Jones, Kerrie Barry, Jane Grimwood, Jeremy Schmutz, and Thomas E. Juenger
Linking soil microbial community structure to potential carbon mineralization: A continental scale assessment of reduced tillage, Elizabeth L. Rieke, Shannon B. Cappellazzi, Michael Cope, Daniel Liptzin, G. Mac Bean, Kelsey L.H. Greub, Charlotte E. Norris, Paul W. Tracy, Ezra Aberle, Amanda Ashworth, Oscar Bañuelos Tavarez, Andy I. Bary, R. L. Baumhardt, Alberto Borbón Gracia, Daniel C. Brainard, Jameson R. Brennan, Dolores Briones Reyes, Darren Bruhjell, Cameron N. Carlyle, James J.W. Crawford, Cody F. Creech, Steve W. Culman, Bill Deen, Curtis J. Dell, Justin D. Derner, Thomas F. Ducey, Sjoerd W. Duiker, Miles F. Dyck, Benjamin H. Ellert, Avelino Espinosa Solorio, Steven J. Fonte, Simon Fonteyne, Ann Marie Fortuna, Jamie L. Foster, Lisa M. Fultz, Audrey V. Gamble, Charles M. Geddes, Deirdre Griffin-LaHue, John H. Grove, and Stephen K. Hamilton
Impact of harvest on switchgrass leaf microbial communities, Esther Singer, Elizabeth M. Carpenter, Jason Bonnette, Tanja Woyke, and Thomas E. Juenger
Essential outcomes for COP26, Pete Smith, Linda Beaumont, Carl J. Bernacchi, Maria Byrne, William Cheung, Richard T. Conant, Francesca Cotrufo, Xiaojuan Feng, Ivan Janssens, Hefin Jones, Miko U.F. Kirschbaum, Kazuhiko Kobayashi, Julie LaRoche, Yiqi Luo, Andrew McKechnie, Josep Penuelas, Shilong Piao, Sharon Robinson, Rowan F. Sage, David J. Sugget, Stephen J. Thackeray, Danielle Way, and Stephen P. Long
Transformation of Major Peanut (Arachis hypogaea) Stilbenoid Phytoalexins Caused by Selected Microorganisms, Victor S. Sobolev, Travis E. Walk, Renee S. Arias, Alicia N. Massa, Valerie A. Orner, and Marshall C. Lamb
Increased bundle-sheath leakiness of CO2 during photosynthetic induction shows a lack of coordination between the C4 and C3 cycles, Yu Wang, Samantha S. Stutz, Carl J. Bernacchi, Ryan A. Boyd, Donald R. Ort, and Stephen P. Long
Attributing differences of solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF)-gross primary production (GPP) relationships between two C4 crops: corn and miscanthus, Genghong Wu, Kaiyu Guan, Chongya Jiang, Hyungsuk Kimm, Guofang Miao, Carl J. Bernacchi, Caitlin E. Moore, Elizabeth A. Ainsworth, Xi Yang, Joseph A. Berry, Christian Frankenberg, and Min Chen
Difference in seasonal peak timing of soybean far-red SIF and GPP explained by canopy structure and chlorophyll content, Genghong Wu, Chongya Jiang, Hyungsuk Kimm, Sheng Wang, Carl Bernacchi, Caitlin E. Moore, Andy Suyker, Xi Yang, Troy Magney, Christian Frankenberg, Youngryel Ryu, Benjamin Dechant, and Kaiyu Guan
Patterning ecological restoration after weeds, Stephen L. Young and Erik P. Hamerlynck
Invasion of Plant Communities, Stephen L. Young, Sarah Kimball, and Stephen J. Novak
Sorghum Brown Midrib19 (Bmr19) Gene Links Lignin Biosynthesis to Folate Metabolism, Adedayo O. Adeyanju, Scott E. Sattler, Patrick J. Rich, Luis A. Rivera-Burgos, Xiaochen Xu, and Gebisa Ejeta
Soil quality indices as affected by long-term burning, irrigation, tillage, and fertility management, Helen C.S. Amorim, Amanda J. Ashworth, Kristofor R. Brye, Brian J. Wienhold, Mary C. Savin, Phillip R. Owens, and Sergio H.G. Silva
Aspergillus Section Flavi, Need for a Robust Taxonomy, Renee Arias, Valerie A. Orner, Jaime Martinez-Castillo, and Victor S. Sobolev
Soil hydrologic grouping guide which soil and weather properties best estimate corn nitrogen need, Gregory Mac Bean, Curtis J. Ransom, Newell R. Kitchen, Peter C. Scharf, Kristen S. Veum, James J. Camberato, Richard B. Ferguson, Fabián G. Fernández, David W. Franzen, Carrie A.M. Laboski, Emerson D. Nafziger, John E. Sawyer, and Robert L. Nielsen
Hermetic Storage of Shelled Peanut Using the Purdue Improved Crop Storage Bags, Chris Butts, L. L. Dean, K. W. Hendrix, Renee Arias, Ronald B. Sorensen, and Marshall Lamb
Effects of residue removal and tillage on greenhouse gas emissions in continuous corn systems as simulated with RZWQM2, Haomiao Cheng, Kexin Shu, Zhiming Qi, Liwang Ma, Virginia L. Jin, Youjia Li, Marty R. Schmer, Brian J. Wienhold, and Shaoyuan Feng
Soil Greenhouse Gas Responses to Biomass Removal in the Annual and Perennial Cropping Phases of an Integrated Crop Livestock System, Elizabeth Christenson, Virginia L. Jin, Marty R. Schmer, Robert B. Mitchell, and Daren D. Redfearn
Representativeness of Eddy-Covariance flux footprints for areas surrounding AmeriFlux sites, Housen Chu, Xiangzhong Luo, Zutao Ouyang, W. Stephen Chan, Sigrid Dengel, Sébastien C. Biraud, Margaret S. Torn, Stefan Metzger, Jitendra Kumar, M. Altaf Arain, Tim J. Arkebauer, Dennis Baldocchi, Carl Bernacchi, Dave Billesbach, T. Andrew Black, Peter D. Blanken, Gil Bohrer, Rosvel Bracho, Shannon Brown, Nathaniel A. Brunsell, Jiquan Chen, Xingyuan Chen, Kenneth Clark, Ankur R. Desai, Tomer Duman, David Durden, Silvano Fares, Inke Forbrich, John A. Gamon, Christopher M. Gough, Timothy Griffis, Manuel Helbig, David Hollinger, Elyn Humphreys, Hiroki Ikawa, Hiroki Iwata, Yang Ju, John F. Knowles, Sara H. Knox, and Hideki Kobayashi
Genetic mapping and QTL analysis for peanut smut resistance, Francisco J. de Blas, Cecilia I. Bruno, Renee Arias, Carolina Ballén-Taborda, Eva Mamani, Claudio Oddino, Melina Rosso, Beatriz P. Costero, Marina Bressano, Juan H. Soave, Sara J. Soave, Mario I. Buteler, J. Guillermo Seijo, and Alicia Massa
A reporting format for leaf-level gas exchange data and metadata, Kim S. Ely, Alistair Rogers, Deborah A. Agarwal, Elizabeth A. Ainsworth, Loren P. Albert, Ashehad Ali, Jeremiah Anderson, Michael J. Aspinwall, Chandra Bellasio, Carl Bernacchi, Steve Bonnage, Thomas N. Buckley, James Bunce, Angela C. Burnett, Florian A. Busch, Amanda Cavanagh, Lucas A. Cernusak, Robert Crystal-Ornelas, Joan Damerow, Kenneth J. Davidson, Martin G. De Kauwe, Michael C. Dietze, Tomas F. Domingues, Mirindi Eric Dusenge, David S. Ellsworth, John R. Evans, Paul P.G. Gauthier, Bruno O. Gimenez, Elizabeth P. Gordon, Christopher M. Gough, Aud H. Halbritter, David T. Hanson, Mary Heskel, J. Aaron Hogan, Jason R. Hupp, Kolby Jardine, Jens Kattge, Trevor Keenan, Johannes Kromdijk, and Dushan P. Kumarathunge
Multiple constraints cause positive and negative feedbacks limiting grassland soil CO2efflux under CO2enrichment, Philip A. Fay, Dafeng Hui, Robert B. Jackson, Harold P. Collins, Lara G. Reichmann, Michael J. Aspinwall, Virginia L. Jin, Albina R. Khasanova, Robert W. Heckman, and H. Wayne Polley
Enhanced drought resistance of vegetation growth in cities due to urban heat, CO2 domes and O3 troughs, Peng Fu, Leiqiu Hu, Elizabeth A. Ainsworth, Xiaonan Tai, Soe W. Myint, Wenfeng Zhan, Bethany J. Blakely, and Carl J. Bernacchi
The inverse relationship between solar-induced fluorescence yield and photosynthetic capacity: Benefits for field phenotyping, Peng Fu, Katherine Meacham-Hensold, Matthew H. Siebers, and Carl J. Bernacchi
Antibacterial Activities of Nepetalactones Against Public Health-Related Pathogens, Anuradha Ghosh, Enya V. Zhu, Haichuan Wang, Ludek Zurek, and Junwei J. Zhu
A review of transformative strategies for climate mitigation by grasslands, Nuria Gomez-Casanovas, Elena Blanc-Betes, Caitlin E. Moore, Carl J. Bernacchi, Ilsa Kantola, and Evan H. DeLucia
Impact of Dietary Phytase on Tilapia Performance and Biofloc Water Quality, Bartholomew W. Green, Steven D. Rawles, Kevin K. Schrader, Matthew E. McEntire, Jason Abernathy, Candis L. Ray, T. Gibson Gaylord, Miles D. Lange, and Carl D. Webster
Variations in bacterial community structure and antimicrobial resistance gene abundance in cattle manure and poultry litter, Biyensa Gurmessa, Amanda J. Ashworth, Yichao Yang, Mary Savin, Philip A. Moore Jr, Steven C. Ricke, Giuseppe Corti, Ester Foppa Pedretti, and Stefania Cocco
Lasting consequences of psyllid (Bactericera cockerelli L.) infestation on tomato defense, gene expression, and growth, Kyle Harrison, Azucena Mendoza-Herrera, Julien Gad Levy, and Cecilia Tamborindeguy
Late-seeded cover crops in a semiarid environment: overyielding, dominance and subsequent crop yield, John R. Hendrickson, Mark A. Liebig, David W. Archer, Marty Schmer, Kristine A. Nichols, and Donald L. Tanaka
Nitrogen Fertilization and Native C4 Grass Species Alter Abundance, Activity, and Diversity of Soil Diazotrophic Communities, Jialin Hu, Jonathan D. Richwine, Patrick D. Keyser, Lidong Li, Fei Yao, Sindhu Jagadamma, and Jennifer M. DeBruyn
Soil Health Management Enhances Microbial Nitrogen Cycling Capacity and Activity, Jianlin Hu, Virginia L. Jin, Julie Y.M. Konkel, Sean M. Schaeffer, Liesel G. Schneider, and Jennifer M. DeBruyn
Can improved canopy light transmission ameliorate loss of photosynthetic efficiency in the shade An investigation of natural variation in Sorghum bicolor, Nikhil S. Jaikumar, Samantha S. Stutz, Samuel B. Fernandes, Andrew D.B. Leakey, Carl J. Bernacchi, Patrick J. Brown, and Stephen P. Long
Genetic diversity of Huaya India (Melicoccus oliviformis Kunth), a neglected Neotropical fruit crop, Mónica I. Jiménez-Rojas, Rubén H. Andueza-Noh, Obed I. Noh-Ake, Daniel Potter, Matilde M. Ortiz-García, Renee S. Arias, and Jaime Martínez-Castillo
Cropping system partially offsets tillage-related degradation of soil organic carbon and aggregate properties in a 30-yr rainfed agroecosystem, Virginia L. Jin, Brian J. Wienhold, Maysoon M. Mikha, and Marty Schmer
Quantifying high-temperature stress on soybean canopy photosynthesis: The unique role of sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence, Hyungsuk Kimm, Kaiyu Guan, Charles H. Burroughs, Bin Peng, Elizabeth A. Ainsworth, Carl J. Bernacchi, Caitlin E. Moore, Etsushi Kumagai, Xi Yang, Joseph A. Berry, and Genghong Wu
Effects of the functional Gpc-B1 allele on soft durum wheat grain, milling, flour, dough, and breadmaking quality, Alecia M. Kiszonas, Maria Itria Ibba, Jeffrey D. Boehm Jr, and Craig F. Morris
Conservation management improves agroecosystem function and resilience of soil nitrogen cycling in response to seasonal changes in climate, Lidong Li, Julie Konkel, Virginia L. Jin, and Sean M. Schaeffer
Evaluation of Leaf Spot Resistance in Wild Arachis Species of Section Arachis, Alicia Massa, Renee Arias, Ronald B. Sorensen, Victor S. Sobolev, S. P. Tallury, H. T. Stalker, and Marshall Lamb
Genotyping tools and resources to assess peanut germplasm: smut-resistant landraces as a case study, Alicia N. Massa, Marina Bressano, Juan A. Soave, Mario I. Buteler, Guillermo J. Seijo, Victor S. Sobolev, Valerie Orner, Claudio Oddino, Sara Soave, Paola C. Faustinelli, Francisco J. de Blas, M. C. Lamb, and Renee Arias
Land management effects on wet aggregate stability and carbon content, Maysoon M. Mikha, Virginia L. Jin, Jane M.F. Johnson, R Michael Lehman, Douglas L. Karlen, and Jalal D. Jabro
Genetic fingerprinting and aflatoxin production of Aspergillus section Flavi associated with groundnut in eastern Ethiopia, Abdi Mohammed, Paola C. Faustinelli, Alemayehu Chala, Mashilla Dejene, Chemeda Fininsa, Amare Ayalew, Chris O. Ojiewo, David A. Hoisington, Victor S. Sobolev, Jaime Martínez-Castillo, and Renee S. Arias
The effect of increasing temperature on crop photosynthesis: From enzymes to ecosystems, Caitlin E. Moore, Katherine Meacham-Hensold, Pauline Lemonnier, Rebecca A. Slattery, Claire Benjamin, Carl J. Bernacchi, Tracy Lawson, and Amanda P. Cavanagh
Ecosystem-scale biogeochemical fluxes from three bioenergy crop candidates: How energy sorghum compares to maize and miscanthus, Caitlin E. Moore, Adam C. von Haden, Mark B. Burnham, Ilsa B. Kantola, Christy D. Gibson, Bethany J. Blakely, Evan C. Dracup, Michael D. Masters, Wendy H. Yang, Evan H. DeLucia, and Carl J. Bernacchi
Forages for Conservation and Improved Soil Quality, John F. Obrycki and Douglas L. Karlen
Publisher Correction: The genome of the stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans, reveals potential mechanisms underlying reproduction, host interactions, and novel targets for pest control (BMC Biology, (2021), 19, 1, (41), 10.1186/s12915-021-00975-9), Pia U. Olafson, Serap Aksoy, Geoffrey M. Attardo, Greta Buckmeier, Xiaoting Chen, Craig J. Coates, Megan Davis, Justin Dykema, Scott J. Emrich, Markus Friedrich, Christopher J. Holmes, Panagiotis Ioannidis, Evan N. Jansen, Emily C. Jennings, Daniel Lawson, Ellen O. Martinson, Gareth L. Maslen, Richard P. Meisel, Terence D. Murphy, Dana Nayduch, David R. Nelson, Kennan J. Oyen, Tyler J. Raszick, José M.C. Ribeiro, Hugh M. Robertson, Andrew J. Rosendale, Timothy B. Sackton, Perot Saelao, Sonja L. Swiger, Sing Hoi Sze, Aaron M. Tarone, David B. Taylor, Wesley C. Warren, Robert M. Waterhouse, Matthew T. Weirauch, John H. Werren, Richard K. Wilson, Evgeny M. Zdobnov, and Joshua B. Benoit
The genome of the stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans, reveals potential mechanisms underlying reproduction, host interactions, and novel targets for pest control, Pia U. Olafson, Serap Aksoy, Geoffrey M. Attardo, Greta Buckmeier, Xiaoting Chen, Craig J. Coates, Megan Davis, Justin Dykema, Scott J. Emrich, Markus Friedrich, Christopher J. Holmes, Panagiotis Ioannidis, Evan N. Jansen, Emily C. Jennings, Daniel Lawson, Ellen O. Martinson, Gareth L. Maslen, Richard P. Meisel, Terence D. Murphy, Dana Nayduch, David R. Nelson, Kennan J. Oyen, Tyler J. Raszick, José M.C. Ribeiro, Hugh M. Robertson, Andrew J. Rosendale, Timothy B. Sackton, Perot Saelao, Sonja L. Swiger, Sing Hoi Sze, Aaron M. Tarone, David B. Taylor, Wesley C. Warren, Robert M. Waterhouse, Matthew T. Weirauch, John H. Werren, Richard K. Wilson, Evgeny M. Zdobnov, and Joshua B. Benoit
Photosynthesis, yield, energy balance, and water-use of intercropped maize and soybean, Elena A. Pelech, Brendan C.S. Alexander, and Carl J. Bernacchi
Evaluation of lotions of botanical-based repellents against aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae), Whitney A. Qualls, Rui De Xue, Muhammad Farooq, Steven T. Peper, Vindhya Aryaprema, Kai Blore, Richard Weaver, Dena Autry, Asghar Talbalaghi, James Kenar, Steven C. Cermak, and Junwei J. Zhu
Patterns of genetic variation in a prairie wildflower, Silphium integrifolium, suggest a non-prairie origin and locally adaptive variation, Andrew R. Raduski, Adam Herman, Cloe Pogoda, Kevin M. Dorn, David L. Van Tassel, Nolan Kane, and Yaniv Brandvain
Emerging approaches to measure photosynthesis from the leaf to the ecosystem, Matthew H. Siebers, Nuria Gomez-Casanovas, Peng Fu, Katherine Meacham-Hensold, Caitlin E. Moore, and Carl J. Bernacchi
Planting depth and within-field soil variability impacts on corn stand establishment and yield, Stirling Stewart, Newell Kitchen, Matt Yost, Lance Stephen Conway, and Paul Carter
Understanding growth dynamics and yield prediction of sorghum using high temporal resolution UAV imagery time series and machine learning, Sebastian Varela, Taylor Pederson, Carl J. Bernacchi, and Andrew D.B. Leakey
Early corn stand count of different cropping systems using UAV-imagery and deep learning, Chin Nee Vong, Lance S. Conway, Jianfeng Zhou, Newell R. Kitchen, and Kenneth A. Sudduth
Pheromone antagonism in Plutella xylostella (Linnaeus) by sex pheromones of two sympatric noctuid moths, Fu Min Wang, Zhi Jie Shen, Coby Schal, Junwei J. Zhu, Guo Xin Zhou, Yu Lei Wang, Ji Rui Wang, Jian Yu Deng, and Nian Feng Wan
Report from the conference, ‘identifying obstacles to applying big data in agriculture’, Emma L. White, J. Alex Thomasson, Brent Auvermann, Newell R. Kitchen, Leland Sandy Pierson, Dana Porter, Craig Baillie, Hendrik Hamann, Gerrit Hoogenboom, Todd Janzen, Rajiv Khosla, James Lowenberg-DeBoer, Matt McIntosh, Seth Murray, Dave Osborn, Ashoo Shetty, Craig Stevenson, Joe Tevis, and Fletcher Werner
Seasonal variation in the effects of urban environmental factors on land surface temperature in a winter city, Wen Wu, Lidong Li, and Chunlin Li
Phenological corrections to a field-scale, ET-based crop stress indicator: An application to yield forecasting across the U.S. Corn Belt, Yang Yang, Martha C. Anderson, Feng Gao, David M. Johnson, Yun Yang, Liang Sun, Wayne Dulaney, Christopher R. Hain, Jason A. Otkin, John Prueger, Tilden P. Meyers, Carl J. Bernacchi, and Caitlin E. Moore
Do Long-Term Conservation Pasture Management Practices Influence Microbial Diversity and Antimicrobial Resistant Genes in Runoff?, Yichao Yang, Amanda J. Ashworth, Lisa M. Durso, Mary Savin, Jennifer M. DeBruyn, Kimberly Cook, Philip A. Moore Jr, and Philip R. Owens
Soil quality assessment of an agroforestry system following long-term management in the Ozark Highlands, Shane Ylagan, Helen C.S. Amorim, Amanda J. Ashworth, Tom Sauer, Brian J. Wienhold, Phillip R. Owens, Yuri L. Zinn, and Kristofor R. Brye
Simultaneous cognate epitope recognition by bovine CD4 and CD8 T cells is essential for primary expansion of antigen-specific cytotoxic T-cells following ex vivo stimulation with a candidate Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis peptide vaccine, Gaber S. Abdellrazeq, Lindsay M. Fry, Mahmoud M. Elnaggar, J. P. Bannantine, David A. Schneider, William M. Chamberlin, Asmaa H.A. Mahmoud, Kun-Taek Park, Victoria Hulubei, and William C. Davis
Genetic diversity of aflatoxin-producing Aspergillus flavus isolated from selected groundnut growing agro-ecological zones of Uganda, Amos Acur; Renee Arias; Steven Odongo; Samuel Tuhaise; National Agricultural Research Laboratories, Kampala, Uganda; John Adriko; Dennis Muhanguzi; Stephen Buah; and Andrew Kiggundu
Induction of seed coat darkening in common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and the association with cooking time after storage, Renata C. Alvares, Helton S. Pereira, Leonardo C. Melo, Phillip N. Miklas, and Patrícia G.S. Melo
Soil quality indices based on long-term conservation cropping systems management, Helen C.S. Amorim, Amanda J. Ashworth, Brian J. Wienhold, Mary C. Savin, Fred L. Allen, Arnold M. Saxton, Phillip R. Owens, and Nilton Curi
An analysis of yield variation under soil conservation practices, Andrew E. Anderson, W. Ashley Hammac, Diane E. Stott, and Wallace E. Tyner
Sixteen Draft Genome Sequences Representing the Genetic Diversity of Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus Colonizing Peanut Seeds in Ethiopia, Renee Arias, Abdi Mohammed, Valerie A. Orner, Paola C. Faustinelli, Marshall C. Lamb, and Victor S. Sobolev
Sixteen Draft Genome Sequences Representing the Genetic Diversity of Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus Colonizing Peanut Seeds in Ethiopia, Renee Arias, Abdi Mohammed, Valerie Orner, Paola C. Faustinelli, Marshall C. Lamb, and Victor S. Soboleva