U.S. Department of Agriculture: Agricultural Research Service, Lincoln, Nebraska


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Date of this Version



J. Med. Entomol. 37(6): 957-961 (2000)


The attraction response of Stomoxys calcitrans (L.) to its own feces was evaluated in a triple cage olfactometer. Both time- and concentration-response relationships were obtained for female S. calcitrans exposed to cellulose sponges impregnated with fresh fly feces or filter papers treated with chloroform: methanol extracts of fresh fly feces in 6-min tests. Attraction to feces collected on cellulose sponges decreased as the air flow increased. Feces collected on cellulose sponges and held for 28-31 d retained attractive activity. More female flies were attracted than males to feces on sponges or to polar solvent extracts of feces-contaminated cages. The activity of feces extract on filter paper decreased rapidly. Chemical identification of the active compounds present could lead to useful baits for traps.
