U.S. Department of Agriculture: Agricultural Research Service, Lincoln, Nebraska


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Beck, B. H., Fuller, S. A., Li, C., Green, B. W., Zhao, H., Rawles, S. D., Webster, C. D., and Peatman, E. 2016. Hepatic transcriptomic and metabolic responses of hybrid striped bass (Morone saxatilis × Morone chrysops) to acute and chronic hypoxic insult. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part D, 18: 1-9.


US gov't work


Striped bass (Morone saxatilis), white bass (Morone chrysops), and their hybrid are an important group of fish prized for recreational angling in the United States, and there and abroad as a high-value farmed fish. Regardless of habitat, it is not uncommon for fish of the genus Morone to encounter and cope with conditions of scarce oxygen availability. Previously, we determined that hybrid striped bass reared under conditions of chronic hypoxia exhibited reduced feed intake, lower lipid and nutrient retention, and poor growth. To better understand the molecular mechanisms governing these phenotypes, in the present study, we examined the transcriptomic profiles of hepatic tissue in hybrid striped bass exposed to chronic hypoxia (90 days at 25% oxygen saturation) and acute hypoxia (6 h at 25% oxygen saturation). Using high-throughput RNA-seq, we found that over 1400 genes were differentially expressed under disparate oxygen conditions, with the vast majority of transcriptional changes occurring in the acute hypoxia treatment. Gene pathway and bioenergetics analyses revealed hypoxia-mediated perturbation of genes and gene networks related to lipid metabolism, cell death, and changes in hepatic mitochondrial content and cellular respiration. This study offers a more comprehensive view of the temporal and tissue-specific transcriptional changes that occur during hypoxia, and reveals new and shared mechanisms of hypoxia tolerance in teleosts.
