U.S. Department of Agriculture: Agricultural Research Service, Lincoln, Nebraska


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Date of this Version



Published in Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 83 (2003) 185–195.


In 1996, two searchable databases covering insect pathogens were posted on the World Wide Web: the Ecological Database of the World's Insect Pathogens (EDWIP) and the Viral Diseases of Insects in the Literature database (VIDIL). In this paper, we describe the format and contents of EDWIP and VIDIL on the World Wide Web. EDWIP contains over 9400 pathogen–host association records, 677 negative test result or ‘‘no association’’ records, 4454 host species, 2285 pathogen species records, and 2057 bibliographical references. Species of Coleoptera and Lepidoptera are the best represented groups in EDWIP. Lepidopteran species account for the most associations of any host order in EDWIP, over 2500, or 27%. Of the pathogen groups, Protozoa (including microsporidia) accounted for nearly 66% of the pathogen species records and over 40% of the association records in EDWIP. Fungi account for only 18% of the pathogen species, but nearly 33% of the association records. Habitats dominated by human activities (e.g., crop, stored product, and human dwelling) account for most of the host habitats recorded in EDWIP. The United States and Japan are the most common locations and the Nearctic and Palearctic are the most common biogeographic regions reported in EDWIP. There are 4801 annotated bibliographic records in VIDIL.
